FOD Chap 5.6

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Chapter 5.6

Zhang Shu Lin waited in the mountains for a bitterly long three days and nights. His eyes were hollowed out, his two dark eye circles very obvious. 

On the fourth day, he really couldn't endure it any longer, he grabbed a machete to go down the mountain, but was firmly dissuaded by the Zhang family.

"Landlord, you have a lot of staff, can you send a few people to help find Little Black? Someday, I'll definitely do my best to repay this kindness." 

Zhang Jia Rui walked up to Zhou Yun Sheng and bowed politely.

He had been extremely clever since childhood, he was only fifteen years old but had already passed the county level imperial exam. 

He had self-proclaimed superb abilities; he was confident that he would become famous one day. So, although he was asking for a favor, his attitude wasn't very humble.

Moreover, because of the series of misunderstandings, he felt that he'd lost a lot of face, so he had a very difficult to get rid of grudge against Zhu Zi Yu. 

Not only had his previous malice not decreased, but he also secretly viewed Zhu Zi Yu as his sworn enemy. So, he gave off a 'honeyed words, a sword in the belly' feel.

Zhou Yun Sheng usually wouldn't bother acknowledging such a person. But, if he allowed Zhang Shu Lin to set off down the mountain to find him alone like in the original plot, he would certainly get himself lost in the mountains, then have a long-awaited reunion with the chowhound loyal dog gong. 

Then, like dry firewood next to a fire, their desires would ignite fiercely, and they'll spend the night in a random cave.

The loyal dog gong was deeply moved by his act of ignoring his own safety to go down the mountain to look for him. After that, he devoted himself to Zhang Shu Lin and obeyed his every word, becoming just like a henpecked husband.

Zhou Yun Sheng had no intention of breaking them up, but he didn't want their feelings to become more stable either. After thinking a bit, he agreed to the request. This was also an opportunity to ingratiate himself to the loyal dog gong.

He took several guards and used the cover of night to hurry down the mountain. The mountain road was rugged, there were thistles and thorns covering the whole area, so it was not long before his hair and clothes were disheveled, forget about his elegant noble image.

The night road was difficult to navigate. Since they had no torches for fear of attracting bandits, they had no choice but to travel by weak moonlight. 

Even if Zhou Yun Sheng was very physically fit, he hadn't reached the point of gaining night vision, so he tumbled down the mountain after accidentally stepping on a smooth, loose stone.

The guards desperately chased after him while cautiously shouting 'young master'.

Qin Ce was walking through the forest when he saw a figure leap towards him. He reflexively stretched out his arm to catch it. The moon shone through the gaps in the branches to reveal a face as beautiful as the jade ornament of a cap.

"Zi Yu?" 

He was startled, but also pleasantly surprised. His heart kicked into overdrive, the arm that was already wrapped around the other man's waist tightened even more, and he asked breathlessly, 

"How did you get here?"

"Oh, it's you?" Zhou Yun Sheng's head was spinning, after he slowly gathered his wits with great difficulty, he found himself in the loyal dog gong's embrace. He pushed against the other man's broad chest and said, 

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