FOD Chapter 10.5

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Chapter 10.5

Zhou Yun Sheng concentrated on cultivation for the two years, and also secretly inquired about news of the protagonist. As fate had established, he met with the Second Prince two years ago, and the two people adventured in the dark forest, completing a variety of quests and even rescuing the Beast Prince from being eroded by demon fog, causing the prince to fall in love with him at first sight. He also made the elves' Mother Tree grow buds for the first time in years.

He had lived in the Temple of God for hundreds of years, all the fruits and nectar he consumed contained the purest power of light, so his body had long ago transformed into a purer spirit than any one of the light priests on the continent.

Because he accompanied the Light God in the Ninth Heaven temple, his body automatically absorbed divine power, so he didn't need to pray. In the spirit world, he wouldn't be anything special, but to the mortal realm, he was at a saintly level.

He had big dark eyes, looked beautiful, and a touching singing voice that didn't fall short of the Elf King's. When he sang, even the violent dark beasts would become docile. He developed a friendship with the Elf King, and the two sat under the Mother Tree and sang for three days and three nights, causing the whole family of elves to feel intoxicated.

After he left the dark forest with the Second Prince, he visited the main church branch and received the Pope's warm hospitality. His foresight and extraordinary conversation caused the Pope to exclaim in pleasure and sigh in great appreciation. The Pope treated him as a friend, and when he learned that he wanted to leave, he put aside his business to accompany him to the Sagya Kingdom.

His unparalleled charm made everyone who saw him feel compelled to stick around him.

He'd only traveled in the world for two years, yet there were already bards preparing a moving repertoire of songs and poems for him. He was regarded as the Darling of God, the Messenger of Light, the mainland's hope, and it was predicted that he would become the most powerful light priest in the last thousand years.

At the moment, he was accompanied by the Pope, the Bishop, and the Second Prince and was on his way to the Light Temple of Sagya Kingdom.

"I heard that there are only two light priests in the Light Temple of Sagya Kingdom?" He smiled at the elderly Bishop.

The Bishop nodded respectfully, "Yes, me and my adopted son, Joshua. He is a very cute child." Even if he wanted to give more of an introduction, the Bishop wasn't allowed to say it. Over the years, the word ban the Light God had placed on him became more and more rigid, he couldn't mention a lot of things about Joshua to outsiders, even if the other person was the Pope.

Isn't this protection too extreme? For these two years, it's unknown whether Joshua has grown. He looked down and thought in silence.

The protagonist Boel Britte questioned curiously, "How old is he this year, what's his personality? I'll live in this temple for a while, I'm looking forward to making a good friend."

The prince tugged the boy's fingers and smiled, "Joshua is very gentle, you and him will become very good friends." His impression of Joshua still had some love, but now his heart was occupied by Boel. Boel was powerful, had a noble birth, and the Pope was hinting at Boel taking over the Light Temple of Sagya Kingdom, so he needed to find time to clear things up with Joshua.

If it was the past, he would have been worried that he would offend the Bishop, but now he had the Pope's support, so there was no such concern.

The Bishop was glad to hear him put in a good word for Joshua. In his view, Boel Britte was the Father's messenger, while Joshua was the Father's beloved, in the future, the two men would live in the Ninth Heaven's Temple, so it would be good if they got along early.

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