FOD Chapter 4.5

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Chapter: 4.5

Zhou Yun Sheng turned a deaf ear towards Orlando's loud boasting. He saw a strong fragrant mist floating in the air and reached out to it, then he brought in his palm, looked down and sniffed. He seemed to enjoy the smell, giving another lazy smile. 

Then he grabbed a handful of petals and squeezed, opening his mouth, he stuck out the tip of his tongue to lick and suck at the bright red flower juice on his fingers.

Whenever he was drunk, he always felt thirsty.

The gorgeous, elfin teenager was intoxicated in the fragrant mist, lying on the ground, his body was covered in bright red flower juice and scattered petals. 

This scene was gorgeous, yet revealing a sweetly decadent scent, captivatingly addicting, captivatingly enchanting, captivatingly corrupt.

The cameraman was sweating profusely, his face flushed, barely able to withstand the young boy's visual impact, but he had to brace himself and continue to film.

The director had forgotten to yell cut, and the staff had forgotten their destinations. All of them were staring, stupefied, at the young man, only Orlando was still muttering to himself, 

"This shot can't be cut out, this one too, ah, that shot of him licking the flower juice will have to be re-shot later with a close up... we still need to shoot a close up of his face, and a close up of his eyes.... his feet must also have a close up, his round pink toes are too cute!"

"Orlando, shut up!"

 Cao Mo Kun snuffed out his cigar and shouted, at the end of his patience. His voice sounded very uneven and hoarse.

Orlando immediately mimed a zipper pulling action against his lips.

Zhou Yun Sheng rolled back and forth on the petals for several laps, his head was almost spinning when he heard the director yell cut, 

"Take a break, we'll shoot a few close ups later."

He sighed in relief, brushing his hair away as he walked towards the red-eyed Yu Mei Lian.

"Lin Cheng Ze." 

A deep, hoarse voice came from behind.

"Uncle Cao." 

Zhou Yun Sheng respectfully nodded towards the man approaching him.

Cao Mo Kun obviously didn't expect him to suddenly address him like this, his smile froze for a moment, but he didn't say anything about it, just using his fingertips to rub away the flower juice staining the young man's lips, then strolling away.

His assistant looked at Yu Mei Lian and urged. 

"After the filming, there's a dinner party. Please make sure to attend. We're leaving first, see you later."

Yu Mei Lian nodded, her face pale. They were now standing in the other's domain, and also working for him, even if they didn't want to go to this dinner party, they still had to.

"Little Ze, be careful later, don't drink too much."

"I know Sister Yu, I have some common sense." 

Zhou Yun Sheng didn't mind. He had long known that he would encounter such a thing if he involved himself in the entertainment industry, but he had enough self-defense abilities, so he wasn't worried at all.

"If you really cannot resist, you can also try to get some benefits out of it. You've heard of Cao Mo Kun, right? The ruthless, great white shark. But if you follow him, the benefits are obvious. He can guarantee you fame in the shortest time. Zhang Yi Jia was only with him for less than a month, and now he's super influential. Sister Yu's not inciting you to jump into the fire pit, but this situation is beyond our control. Follow him and you'll only have to suffer for a few months, don't, and you'll suffer for a lifetime." 

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