FOD Chapter 8.24

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Chapter 8.24

After the few people reached a consensus, the contestants were summoned to hear the decision.

"For special reasons, we've decided to cut Romeo's total shots. In short, you will still enjoy your thirty chances, but he only has five shots. If in those five chances he doesn't take a wonderful photo, he'll fall to the bottom rank and the program group will unconditionally eliminate him."

As Bonnie's voice faded, the contestants cheered. Emily raised her hand and asked, "The judges made this decision, is it because Romeo was cheating in the competition? If so, he should be directly eliminated, not given five chances. This decision itself is unfair."

Gustav's icy glare cut into her, and Bonnie looked at her harshly before opening. "I can use my own reputation and life to guarantee that Romeo has never cheated in this game, and the program group and the judges have never opened a back door for him. He made it this far by relying on his own strength. Some people think that it's fair of us to make such a decision, but in my opinion, it's simply a crime to use despicable means to stifle a talented and brilliant future star. I feel very sad that our society has fallen to the point where we can't even tolerate the talented!"

She moved her gaze from Emily's frozen body and slowly looked at the other contestants, then she continued "If you win the game, you shouldn't be proud, you should be ashamed. Because you're not relying on your own strength to win, you're taking advantage of others. Like if a healthy man forces a lame man to compete in a sprint, even if the healthy man rushes to the finish line, he doesn't deserve cheers, he deserves ridicule! This is a serious violation of the principle of fair play."

She said this then pulled Romeo into her bosom and assured, "Romeo, making this so unfair was not my intention, but I believe you can persist to the end. You're awesome, I love you!"

"Thank you." Zhou Yun Sheng hugged her back, his eyes curved in a real smile.

Gustav couldn't intimately communicate with the teenager, even a hug was off-limits. He could only try to stay away from him, to no longer give others an excuse to attack him. He inserted his hands into his trouser pockets, seemingly indifferent, but his fists were trembling.

Ivana also stepped up to embrace the boy, followed by a male player who had recently developed a closer relationship with Romeo. The other players stood in place, embarrassed.

They were shamed by Bonnie's words. Outsiders didn't know, but the people involved understood that Romeo didn't use any cheats, he'd relied on his own strength to make it so far. When he entered the photo shoot state, his overbearing and prevalent charm was irresistible.

Even if he only had five shots, he would still have the same extremely beautiful photos. So, if they once again lost to him, they would be ridiculed by the audience, and it would be even more embarrassing.

The people who were just gloating had stopped, completely out of laughter.

After Bonnie left, she posted the video on the official website, many people agreed with her sympathetic words for Romeo. Romeo's excellence was obvious, if given the opportunity, he would be able to climb to the glorious top. Because of some people's despicable jealousy, a talented young man was being strangled, is this the so-called fairness? How ridiculous!

Public opinion tilted towards Romeo, and he didn't have the slightest dip in fans, in fact, the number doubled again. The public was often more willing to sympathize with the weak. Although Romeo was not weak, anyone could see that he was being treated unfairly.

Calls for the higher-ups in ABC, the ones who'd made the decision, to eat shit abounded, and someone really did wrap up a mass of stool and mailed it to the ABC headquarters.

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