FOD Chap 13.5

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Chapter 13.5

At the emergence of new evidence, the detectives put together the clues they'd collected so far, re-organizing the investigation, then they called in the victim for more questioning.

At first, the red skirt woman continued playing the pitiful role, weeping and condemning ZHOU young master's atrocities, so when the police brought out a medical certificate, she looked at it, then froze, completely dumbfounded. Even if her life depended on it, she never would've guessed that Zhou Yun Sheng was impotent, then what was he doing playing around with so many women?

It was true that the woman was raped, and because of her employer's demands, she'd had no choice but to be as noisy and public about it as possible. The employer had also told her that Zhou mother would definitely give her money to settle things in private, so she just needed to take the money and leave town, then she'd get her final payment after the court hearing started.

But Zhou mother never came to her house. She took part in such a serious crime, but only got the initial 50,000 dollar payment, and now she constantly had to suffer her neighbors and colleagues' secret pointing and whispering. The psychological pressure was growing day by day, her emotions on the brink of explosion at any moment.

Then the police called her back in, but frightened her by treating her like a convict. As soon as she saw the medical certificate, she collapsed. No wonder Zhou Yun Sheng didn't even slightly react under a heavy dose of Fairy Water, he was impotent! Now what? Withdraw her confession, right, she must withdraw her confession!

The woman wiped at her runny nose and tears while correcting her confession, claiming that Zhou Yun Sheng had raped her with a prop that evening. The confession of the course of events was incoherent at best, and the police told her that her confession couldn't be edited, so she laid face down on the table and wailed.

By this point, the police was 100% sure she was lying, so they arrested her on charges of false accusations.

"Mr. Zhou, you're free to go. Next time something is said, don't stubbornly become a scapegoat, know that some guilt is not your burden to carry." The younger detective walked him to the door, his attitude very mild, even containing a little pity. This poor soul couldn't touch a woman for the rest of his life, no wonder he suddenly changed sexuality and took up with a man, this was also a choice of last resort ah.

"Tell me about it, how could I have guessed such a terrible woman would come after me? I'll never play with women again, too fucking dangerous. Also, you better not advertise my private matters, or I'll sue you." Zhou Yun Sheng furrowed his eyebrows in threat.

The young detective quickly waved, "We absolutely won't reveal your privacy, but I don't know if your ex-girlfriends will." There were quite a few desperate looking women in the mix, who knew what they would do if it could help them promote themselves.

Zhou Yun Sheng nodded, then ran towards Zhou mother, who was waiting for him by the door. On the way home, Zhou mother opened her mouth to speak several times, but didn't know what to say, eventually she could only pretend to lightly pat her son's shoulder and comforted, "This is nothing, that illness has a cure. Don't give yourself too much of a psychological burden, it's fine to move slowly."

"What if it's not cured?" Zhou Yun Sheng fished out his laptop and effortlessly hacked into Fang Zhifei's computer.

"That medicine is so advanced now, why wouldn't it be cured? If there's no hope domestic side, we'll go abroad."

Zhou Yun Sheng copied out some important documents and answered without lifting his head, "Mom, I don't care if I'm cured or not, anyway, my days are the same. And to tell you the truth, I feel sick even looking at a woman now, I might just throw up if you ask me to touch them."

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