FOD Chapter 10.2

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Chapter 10.2

The teenager prayed before the statue for a few hours, and the God of Light gazed at him in the water mirror for a few hours. He shook the glass in his hand, a golden wine slightly spun, emitting a rich and sweet smell. Usually, this smell would attract the God of Light to slowly sip and savor it, but he had no interest in it today.

The loving words flowing from the boy's pink lips were more delicious than any wine. He rested his cheek on his other hand, his eyelids half closed, revealing an unconsciously intoxicated expression.

The boy finally ended his day of prayer. He opened his blue eyes, slowly walked to the statue and slightly frowned, then he lightly kissed the Father's feet. He leaned there for a long time, reluctant to get up, his tear stained eyelashes collected more tears, and he gently trembled, looking pitiful and lovely.

The Light God put down his glass, his pupils deep and focused. He stretched out his fingertips and gently pointed to the spot between the boy's eyebrows, and a pure, solid and shining golden light poured through the glowing mirror and into the boy's body.

Zhou Yun Sheng kissed the Father's feet and was preparing to get up and leave, when he felt a surge of power pouring into his forehead and spreading throughout his limbs, warm and comfortable, almost making him groan.

Is this a gift from the Father? He was very excited. He forgot his intention to leave and continued to kneel, clinging to the Father's ankle, rubbing his white cheek onto the statue, his wet eyes finally letting out two drops of crystal clear tears. They traveled down his cheeks and hung on his chin, he looked so pitiful.

"Father God, have you heard my prayer? Father, do you know how much I love you? Father God, my Father, my life and my soul are all yours, please take them." How could he bare to leave the Father for even a minute?

At this moment, the maid who was guarding the door whispered, "Your eminence, the Elder Bishop asks you to go to the Chamber to discuss the Second Prince's baptism."

Zhou Yun Sheng turned a deaf ear and continued holding the Father's ankle, like a lost little lamb finally returned to its parents' arms, he didn't want to move even a half-step away.

The Light God uncrossed his legs and sat up, his slightly narrowed eyes hid a gentle smile. He tried to endure, but he finally couldn't resist the commotion in his heart and he once again pointed between the boy's eyebrows.

A more pure and vigorous power than before poured in, like a tidal wave, and the boy's soul flew high and gently stopped, then suddenly shook left to right, causing him to be stunned in confusion, unable to control his limbs. He was intoxicated by the Father's benevolent gift. His small mouth twitched, moaning, and his pale face slowly reddened, his languid and extravagant seductive appearance could make even the gods go crazy.

The Light God's fingertip placed on the water mirror suddenly froze, and after a long time, he slowly drew it back. He unconsciously twitched his finger, feeling a lingering burning sensation that was very slowly fading away.

The Light God raised his finger and stared dumbly at it. His light golden eyes slowly turned dark gold as a pure black quietly suppressed the light.

The maid reminded the boy several times with no response, so she finally had to return to the Chamber to report. Afterwards, the Bishop sent the Deputy Bishop to retrieve him, and that was the only reason the teenager was willing to move.

So, when the God of Light finally got rid of the weird tingling in his finger, he looked back, but the hall was missing a slim and lovely figure. The touch of joy in his heart dissipated like a passing wind, and his unusually relaxed eyebrows wrinkled as usual, harshening his facial features.

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