FOD Chap 15.2

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Chapter 15.2

Qi Yi Ning not only looked outstanding, even his hobbies were quite elegant, he usually loved reciting poetry and painting, or going for a walk to enjoy the scenery. When not handling governmental affairs, he was often accompanied by beautiful concubines, he seemed like a very pleasant person. Especially after he suppressed the Empress Dowager and her maternal clan, gaining complete control over the imperial court. Finally relaxed, he ordered a wanton collection of beauties into the imperial capital to fill the empty harem. It was these circumstances that allowed Zhao Bi Xuan to be sent in by her family, then Zhou Yun Sheng came along and became the biggest stepping stone for her dominating two dynasties.

Given that she was the fate of the world's daughter, regardless of how licentious Qi Yi Ning was, after meeting her, he became very affectionate and loyal. He not only ignored the other harem members, doting on her alone, he even established the Second Prince as Crown Prince when he was just over a year old. His doting on this mother and child was considered unprecedented.

Every time Zhou Yun Sheng was forced by the villain system to write down an imperial edict to promote her, his heart would bleed. At that time, he had already reincarnated more than a dozen times, his eyes had slowly widened, his ability to read the human heart cultivated to perfection. Even if Zhao Bi Xuan was outwardly loving and considerate, he could see the indifference and resentment hidden in her heart. He'd immediately disliked her, and as it turns out, she also despised him, but still deceptively postured in front of him every way she could, like a serpent, playing him for a fool.

Only God knew how many times he'd wanted to kick her out of the way and yell 'Get out of my sight!', but he was always stopped by the villain system's 'DENIED'. Because of this, he could only pretend to be infatuated, pretending and pretending for eight years. He saw through Zhao Bi Xuan's fake love, saw through the Gong Prince and the An Prince's disloyal hearts, and clearly saw through the imperial court's internal strife. The only thing he'd failed to see through was the Second Prince's origins. Until his death, he'd never thought that the child was not his own.

He'd always liked children, and the Second Prince was snow-white and cute, sensible and well-behaved, he'd sincerely loved him, and when he learned the truth, he'd almost coughed up blood. Even while Qi Jin Yu was beheading him, he still worried, when this guy becomes Emperor, how will he deal with Zhao Bi Xuan and the Second Prince's identity? After all, the whole world knew that the mother and child were Qi Yi Ning's favorite concubine and prince.

But since it involved the fate of the world's children, the world's consciousness would naturally fix the bug of the two's identity, he never should have worried about it. Last life, he foolishly worried about these things, this life, he was going to carefully help this family of three.

Zhou Yun Sheng patiently played with the Second Prince for a while, then waved, "Time to eat."

Zhao Bi Xuan quickly ordered the wet nurse to take the child away, then busily served Zhou Yun Sheng the dishes. After dinner, Zhao Bi Xuan unsurprisingly used the excuse of bodily discomfort to send Zhou Yun Sheng away. She didn't want to be intimate with him, but also didn't want him to be intimate with others, so she sent messengers to invite him over every day, then racked her brain for excuses to avoid joining him in the bed chamber.

In this harem, she had already become the target of harsh criticism, if one of the other concubines won Zhou Yun Sheng over, her situation would become very dangerous.

If it was another man, they wouldn't be able to stand her 'stroking the fire then quickly pouring water over it' behavior, but since Zhou Yun Sheng was gay, this was exactly what he wanted. He wished her a good rest and strolled away. At the palace door, he looked up at the plaque hanging on the beam, three bronze words were written in flamboyant calligraphy – Feng Yi Palace.

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