FOD Chapter 9.4

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Chapter 9.4

Zhou Yun Sheng was awakened by a burst of pain, as if something was drilling into his limbs, devouring his flesh and blood greedily. After experiencing so many dangers, it was an instinct to protect himself, he immediately pushed out his soul force and wrapped up his heart and other vital organs. The pain reduced a lot.

Here was not his Xinghai space, at the moment of death, a very powerful force had wrapped him up and pulled him into the twisting space and time turbulence. That force was very violent, but it didn't hurt him, it even filled his traumatized soul with warmth.

This was a very empty and shabby room, without any decoration or furniture, only the sofa cushions he was lying on. The flood of memories rushed into his mind, so unbearable to the soul that Zhou Yun Sheng couldn't help but moan painfully.

He had returned to the identity of Bai Mo Han and once again returned to his world, but it was already after the protagonists had reborn. According to Bai Mo Han's memory, his fate had not changed, the two protagonists had heard that an army was preparing to escort Dr. Bai to B Base and cleverly mixed in, becoming the army's main force. They killed everyone who had betrayed Lei Chuan before, and was now in charge of Bai Mo's protection.

Just yesterday, Guo Zerui killed the army leaders responsible for escorting Dr. Bai and could've taken Dr. Bai's life, but because his hatred was too deep, he didn't want to let Dr. Bai die a happy death, so he'd quietly sprinkled a few bloodvine seeds into Dr. Bai's diet.

Bloodvine was a plant that was red as blood, the largest was a few millimeters in diameter, while the smallest was thinner than human capillaries. They hide in the soil, and after meeting passing animals or humans, they would quietly puncture their skin like a parasite, travel along the blood vessels and spread throughout the body. It lived daily by eating the flesh and blood of the host, until the host was sucked dry, then it would borrow into the soil to find the next host.

If the plant was cut, it would not die, but grow into two new plants. Its reproductive capability was very powerful, only fire could completely eliminate it. The infected man must find a Plant Warrior in the shortest possible time to remove it, otherwise he would die.

Of course, mankind could even effectively kill zombies, although this plant was terrible, it was not unstoppable. Medical scientists invented a medicine that could make your blood smell disgusting to the bloodvines, after taking the medicine, the bloodvines wouldn't dare get close to your blood, even if it was already in you, it would follow the digestive track to get out.

The inventor of this medicine was none other than Bai Mo Han, but unfortunately, the timeline was in the past, this medicine was not yet available.

Zhou Yun Sheng repeatedly dug his mind to find memories of Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui, he finally determined that the two were really reborn, but they still hated Bai Mo. Unmistakably, whenever they looked at Bai Mo Han their eyes had obvious killing intent.

So that meant Lei Chuan really was brain dead, he didn't know that Bai Mo Han had truly developed the anti-zombie virus vaccine, otherwise, after he took care of all his other enemies he would never treat Bai Mo Han like this.

Fucking pointless, all that effort was in vain! Zhou Yun Sheng fiercely frowned. Now, his task was the same as the last time, save the world, but the difficulty had directly rose to S level. First of all, he needed to remove the bloodvine in order to save his life, secondly, he had to somehow get a sample of Lei Chuan's blood, thirdly, he had to escape from the murderous protagonists and their lackeys and flee to B Base, and finally, he had to repeat the process and develop the vaccine.

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