FOD Chapter 8.25

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Gustav's appearance pleasantly surprised Emily, she stood up while fixing her hair and reached out to shake his hand, looking very flustered. Of course, she was exaggerating most of this panic. There was no star in the world that didn't like seeing others fall over themselves to worship them. Compared to her, Zhou Yun Sheng's response was very dull, he and Bonnie stayed in their chairs and smiled politely.

"Hello." Gustav quickly shook Emily's hands, his attitude was very polite, but he looked unusually cold. He was pretending to be calm more than Emily was pretending to be flustered. This was the first time he'll have dinner with his sweetheart, and also sit so close. His heart was almost jumping out of his chest, his palms had a layer of cold sweat, and his tie was squeezing his Adam's apple, even swallowing was difficult.

He tilted his head down, confirmed that his clothing was still very elegant and graceful, and that his panic sweat was covered by his fresh cologne, then sat next to the boy and gave him a warm embrace.

"Romeo, how have you been lately?" His dry, hoarse voice startled Bonnie. The others didn't notice, but she knew the normal Gustav was definitely not like this. Since he walked through the door, his whole body had been very stiff, and he waked as gracefully as a huge crab.

He was the world's most expensive male supermodel, seeing him behave like this was shameful. Bonnie covered her forehead and rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine Mr. Acheson, you know that, we saw each other the day before yesterday, remember?" Zhou Yun Sheng quipped. He didn't expect such a tall and strong man to be so cute. But, no matter how cute he was, he couldn't accept him unless he was that man.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, why couldn't he feel his love's proximity and had to rely on speculation or intimate contact? He didn't want to become a kissing maniac and indecently assault every handsome man he saw.

"Of course, but I'm concerned about you every day." Gustav immediately nodded, "Even one day without seeing you feels like a year. I saw Old Duke's (the guest photographer) pictures of you. They're very good, but not the best. If it was me that was shooting, it would've turned out much better. My lens love you the most!" And so do I!

Because there were two extras at the table, he reluctantly concealed his affectionate confession.

Zhou Yun Sheng knew that this was the way of the West, they always openly admired the people they liked. He covered the goose bumps on the back of his hand and smiled an ignorant and shy smile.

Bonnie was enjoying herself, eating a delicious dinner while admiring her old friend's gallant act. Emily felt neglected. She had always known that Gustav treated Romeo differently, but the difference had never been so blatant. As long as Romeo was present, Gustav's eyes could only see him, everyone else was just dispensable furnishings.

Is this really just an artist's obsession with his muse? It was too intense, his eyes were two flames, almost charring Romeo.

She was unwilling to give up, she wanted to make the man pay attention her, so she pushed over the unfolded napkin and smiled, "Mr. Acheson, I've always wanted your signature, but I had no chance to ask, can you give me one today?"

She finally got the man's attention, but the passion in his eyes quickly extinguish, replaced by cold alienation. This was the true nature of Gustav Acheson, he was seemingly gentle and humble, but he always maintained a certain distance with everyone, he never allowed them to get closer by even half a step.

Gustav's feelings for Emily could only be described as 'disgusted', he smiled and waved, "Sorry, I didn't bring a pen today."

"I can borrow one from the waiter." Emily responded positively.

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