FOD Chapter 9.3

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Chapter 9.3

After the meeting, the white coat wearing scientists left. Zhou Yun Sheng had walked to the corner of the stairs when a hand reached out to stop him.

"Dr. Bai, everyone's job is to save mankind, but your research has not been fruitful for years, while my research is close to success. Why don't you close your project and help me? My project team still lacks a deputy team leader."

Bai Mo Han was the Institute's director, Wu Han Yuan's offer was a deliberate provocation, and it also exposed his intention to squeeze him and climb to the top. His research project was highly favored by the higher-ups, and he had received a lot of attention, his budget and resources were growing each seminar. In contrast, Bai Mo Han's group was receiving less and less resources, they were even a low priority for power supply.

Zhou Yun Sheng hid his anger and smiled, he slowly said, "I'm committed to eliminating the zombies, and you're committed to making scarier monsters. Are you really sure you're saving humankind, not destroying it? Wu Han Yuan, the wages of sin is death, you will face retribution sooner or later."

Wu Han Yuan shouted at his hastily leaving figure, "If I'll be punished, then what about you? Your hands are just as blood stained as mine!"

Zhou Yun Sheng footsteps slightly paused, then he continued walking. He saw the Guard Captain glancing at him from time to time and bluntly said, "Don't worry, I will have my retribution, but everything I bear is worth it, sooner or later, one day, you'll know."

The Guard Captain was silent.

Lei Chuan followed by his side, frowning tightly. He knew what his so-called retribution was, his body was already an arrow at the end of its flight.

A few days later, Wu Han Yuan conducted a large experiment, in order to show off, he specifically invited the base front-runners and several other research groups.

A huge meteorite tempered glass surrounded a room with a dozen zombies, their levels were 7 or more. There was even a level-10 water zombie, which was constantly using water arrows to attack the glass surface, trying to escape.

Fortunately, these glass were very strong, even if it were two level-level-10 zombies it could hold for several hours without fragmentation.

"Is your mutant zombie ready?" The base leader looked at Wu Han Yuan, his eyes revealed an ambitious light. If he could set up a zombie corps, the earth would be under his control.

"It's ready, I'll let it out immediately. This is my trump card, the level is unknown, but its fighting force is comparable to level-11." Wu Han Yuan clicked on a blue button on the console, a side door slowly raised in the glass room and a scaled, muscular zombie with a long lizard tail shot out like an arrow, jumped on a zombie and started devouring it.

Everyone felt a cold lump in their throats at its appearance. This zombie had completely lost its human features, it was covered with scales, its skin was bright green, like mold, and its huge mouth occupied one-third of its face, its sharp teeth were spread to its ear.

It bit the zombie's head, devoured it up to its neck, then ferociously attacked several other zombies.

Suddenly, the laboratory was covered in flesh and blood, and tragic howling sounded again and again.

This was simply a one-sided massacre, if they formed a corps full of such zombies, the base would be invincible and rule the world. The leaders looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction.

Wu Han Yuan pushed up his glasses frame, smug.

Lei Chuan expressionlessly stared at it all, his heart that was calm for so long once again filled with monstrous anger. The zombies were gradually pressing the surviving humans into smaller and smaller living spaces, while these people developed a more terrible monster. Have they not thought about what the consequences will be when these monsters go out of control?

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