FOD Chap 7.3

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Chapter 7.3

The courtiers submitted petitions for Qi Xiu Jie's execution for more than half a month, but Li Jin Tian remained unmoved throughout, on the contrary, he even reinstated Qi Xiu Jie's position as an Imperial Concubine.

Every night, he would dream back to that lonely and cold palace, seeing Qi Xiu Jie kneel in front of his memorial tablet and weep. That grief, suppressed to the extreme, and those deathly still eyes that could not show a hint of joy even when sitting upon the Empress seat repeatedly tormented Li Jin Tian's nerves. 

He thought that Qi Xiu Jie had lived a luxurious life after his death, but found that he had also become a walking corpse. The only thing that motivated him to continue living was the thought of seeking revenge on his behalf.

In this case, it seemed that he was the lucky one for dying first, while the one left behind was trapped in endless pain and despair.

The Qi family used all their clan's power to recover the throne, most of their clan members were killed or wounded in battle, leaving only the elderly and weak women and children. And Qi Xiu Jie also committed suicide after burying the bones of his late husband, never enjoying a bit of the glory. Li Jin Tian often woke up from this dream, his chest unceasingly stifled with pain.

He wanted to see how Qi Xiu Jie was doing, but he felt too timid and guilt ridden, so he could only live with tangled emotions day after day. Unconsciously, he'd already started believing in the two dreams. 

But he would rather disband the entire harem for Gao Min's sake, these emotions could not be faked, so he wouldn't move against the Gao family until they committed an act of treason.

On this day, the courtiers finally relented and no longer petitioned the emperor to execute the Qi family's final spawn, expressing their concerns about the frequent invasions by the Xiyi race instead. 

Prince Li was the first to come forward to beg the emperor to send troops to Xiyi, followed by Gao Lang, then the rest of the court officials.

Li Jin Tian was already interested in conquering Xiyi, so he immediately expressed that he would set up troops as quickly as possible.

"Dare to question Your Majesty, do you have a suitable candidate for General?" Prince Li bowed and inquired.

"No, you can recommend me a few."

"This small official recommends General Gao Min, does Your Majesty find this appropriate?"

Prince Li's statement shocked the other courtiers. They all knew who Gao Min was, they also all knew that before he entered the harem, he was a fierce general that guarded the borders. But now he already belonged to the emperor, and had also given birth to a prince, how could he fraternize with soldiers again? That's indecent!

Some wanted to step forward to oppose, but Gao Lang stepped forward to vigorously recommend his younger brother, even phrasing it in an elegant way, 'When appointing people by their merits, don't exclude friends or relatives'. Gao Lang knew that Li Jin Tian's favor and tolerance for his brother was bottomless, so he'd cooperated with Prince Li to put out this bold proposal.

Li Jin Tian had bottomless tolerance for Gao Min, this was the truth, but it was all in the past. Now, Li Jin Tian was like a blindfolded person who'd suddenly been relieved of their cloth, he could finally see the circumstances of the imperial court and the harem clearly.

The courtiers who had obviously wanted to oppose silently returned to their seats after Gao Lang spoke up. Anyone could see that the imperial court had already become Gao Lang and Prince Li's territory. 

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