FOD Chap 2.1 Black Hearted Lotus

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Chapter 2.1 Slapping the Black Hearted Lotus                                                                                                   

Zhou Yun Sheng stayed by Du Xu Lang’s side until his death, the day after, he also didn’t hesitate to leave the world. In the past, under the villain system’s control, he always unrelentingly transmigrated, completing one demented task after another, no chance to catch his breath.

This time, he was free to control his own time. He stayed in the XingHai space for a long time. He hibernated to nourish his soul, until his affection for Du Xu Lang gradually faded with the passage of time. When he woke up, he began fiddling with the AI on his wrist.

During the time when the AI had not been hacked by him, he learned that along with the tasks gradually becoming more troublesome, his soul power also increased. At the same time, he’d become more closely linked to the system.

The system and the host depended on each other to survive, only waiting for some day when the soul power reached the most critical point, and the Lord God could absorb it through the system, digest it, and use it as a power source to support its heterodimensional space.

The so-called “be sent back to the real world after completing the tasks” was just a beautiful lie. They were merely a herd of livestock raised by the Lord God, once they fattened up, they would be slaughtered.

When 007’s tentacles penetrated deeper and deeper into his soul, he accidentally found out this secret. He was a hacker, so he wasn’t like other people who fanatically obsessed with returning to the real world. To him, there was no difference between real and virtual. In fact, he contrarily lived more uninhibited in the virtual world. He has always been the king of the virtual world.

It wasn’t unreasonable to say that choosing him was the Lord God’s greatest mistake, like inviting a wolf into the house.

After adjusting his mentality, Zhou Yun Sheng clicked the AI, then disappeared into the endless sky in a flash.

When he woke up again, Zhou Yun Sheng was standing in front of a canvas, holding a paint-stained brush, his body carrying a strong smell of poppy oil.

He stood still for a moment before he began observing the surrounding environment. This was a rather spacious and empty room, without any furniture, only four white walls and an opened window. Outside the window was a lush green garden, with luxuriant flowers resembling a brocade, and there was even a blue lake in the distance.

The scenery was beautiful and fascinating.

Except for Zhou Yun Sheng, there was no one else in the room. The AI’s screen flashed a lot of text, this was detailed data stolen from the Lord God about the original owner and this world.

The original owner was named Wei Xi Yan, 18 years old, currently studying in the capital’s Academy of Fine Arts. When he was ten years old, his parents died in a traffic accident. He was adopted by close friends of his parents, then moved to F country.

The relationship between the couple was very deep, on the day of their silver wedding anniversary, they decided to travel around the world, their due return date uncertain.

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