FOD Chap 6.8

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Chapter 6.8

Before entering the concert, security had rigorously searched the audience to ensure that they didn't bring in any video recording equipment besides mobile phones.

So, no one had taken a clear and complete video of Ou Zi Nan's concert. But the blurry clips a few netizens had released online were already enough to draw attention and enthusiasm from the masses. 

Good songs never lacked for listeners, never mind the heirloom masterpieces that were immensely popular in countless small worlds that Zhou Yun Sheng had deliberately selected.

These videos quickly spread throughout the internet, and people constantly bombarded Huanya Entertainment News' official website with messages, asking to buy the complete genuine HD concert disc. In just three days, the number of pre-orders had already reached the hundreds of thousands.

This late sale of the concert discs was Huanya Entertainment News' plan, otherwise, they wouldn't have invested so much funds in vain. 

While releasing the disc, they also planned to release a Chinese and English version of 'Because of You' as an EP, then have it chart on famous domestic and international charts.

They had no doubt that the song would create a miracle. Of course, the other twenty songs were just as good and would surely set off a tornado called 'Ou Zi Nan' in the domestic and international music scene.

While Huanya Entertainment News was actively preparing for late publicity, Times Records was caught up in an unprecedented crisis.

Zhou Yun Sheng submitted the video to the court as evidence, and under the exhaustive pursuit of reporters, the court had no choice but to announce that the video was indeed real and reliable. This news attracted the attention of all parties, and the influx of abuse on Lin Si Qing's blog increased day by day, quickly overwhelming the webpage.

 A large majority of his fans unfollowed him, leaving messages of how they had misjudged him, were very, very disappointed in him, and would never love him again.

When Lin Si Qing had sued Ou Zi Nan for plagiarism, Times Records had immediately come forward and announced that they would block Ou Zi Nan. Times Records will not tolerate dishonest artists; this sentence was posted on the official website until today.

At that time, many people praised this sentence, but now, it had become a big joke. The one who should be punished got off scot free, while the innocent victim was cut off from their livelihood. Times Records' actions are simply mind-boggling.

The day after the concert, Times Records' stocks plummeted, billions instantly evaporated. If this crisis was not dealt with perfectly, it would be kicked out of the ranks of entertainment giants.

Yun Zhi Yuan's long retired father personally went to the company, pointed at him, and cursed him out for a few hours. Lin Si Qing and Ge Meng Shu were hiding in their homes, not daring to see anyone.


"Now what? I told you to not make a big deal out of it, but you didn't listen, how can we cancel it at this stage? The evidence has already been submitted and filed, there's no way to retract my statement now. I'm screwed, completely screwed! Are you satisfied? Are you happy?" 

Lin Si Qing had long lost his usual elegance and calm, he pointed to his manager's nose and loudly questioned.

The manager was silent, his downcast eyes full of despair. Back then, Ou Yi Bai's one comment, 'You're no good', immediately destroyed his road to fame. He struggled to get ahead for several years, but in the end, he could only change professions to become a manager. 

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