FOD Chap 6.9

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Chapter 6.9

The day after the concert, Lin Si Qing and Ge Meng Shu held press conferences to make a statement on the matter. 

But this matter involved the dead godfather of music, and with Sun Xi Mu's encouragement, the reporters treated the two very roughly. They raised one sharp question after another, rendering the two speechless.

Lin Si Qing stood up and bowed in apology several times, but he was unable to say a word in his defense. How could he justify it? The so-called manuscript he'd submitted to the court and published on his blog had already thoroughly proved that he was a liar, an ungrateful villain.

"I'm deeply aware of my own mistakes, please forgive me, please, give me another chance." 

He sobbed out this sentence. The once most image-conscious god-tier singer was now in a mess of snot and tears, crying like a child.

"No forgiveness! We'll never forgive you!" 

An Ou Zi Nan fan hidden in the crowd shouted loudly. Then someone rushed up and threw a prepared bag of dog shit at him.

Security quickly carried the man out, leaving the thoroughly embarrassed Lin Si Qing exposed to the cameras. He finally realized that his reputation was now like his suit; putrid, no matter how many times he washed it, when he tried to wear it again later, it would always look dirty in his mind.

He was so regretful that he almost broke down on the spot, but he endured it. He needed to save Ge Meng Shu. Ge Meng Shu never knew the truth, she was innocent, he couldn't ruin her future.

His manager tried to pull him off the stage, but he refused to leave. He spent a few minutes explaining Ge Meng Shu's side. 

Afterward, Ge Meng Shu also held a press conference, stating that she had no knowledge about this, but she still wanted to prudently apologize to Ou Zi Nan and Ou Yi Bai.

Apparently, the fans didn't buy it. Her previously rising fanbase plummeted, leaving only a few thousand people. Even the recently debuted newcomers had more fans.

Seeing that Ge Meng Shu's future was about to be ruined, Yun Zhi Yuan became anxious, and now he'd come to find Sun Xi Mu.

The two of them walked into the office together and settled themselves on the couch. Ge Meng Shu had on heavy makeup, but it couldn't conceal her gaunt face. She greeted Sun Xi Mu, then quickly glanced at Ou Zi Nan, who was reclining on the sofa.

The youth was drinking tea, his porcelain white skin slightly fluorescent under the sunlight. His lowered eyes revealed a quiet and melancholy temperament, beautiful like a painting. 

It was hard to imagine that someone so introverted and shy in reality had such an intimidating stage presence. He could make tens of thousands of people cheer with him, screaming, crying, then get carried away.

He'd smashed all the negative rumors about him, and all those who claimed that he couldn't write songs had nothing to say after listening to his concert. As he'd explained on his blog, it's not that he couldn't write, it's just that his admiration for his father was so strong that he'd imprisoned himself. 

He thought that he could never break free. But his father's death cracked open the shackles on his mind, allowing him to bravely fly towards the sky.

Yun Zhi Yuan also felt very tangled when he saw Ou Zi Nan. The young man he'd once thought was impossible to train had transformed into the world's most popular musician overnight. 

His songs occupied the top spots of all the big and small music charts, and each land had a growing number of fanatical fans. He was called a rock leader, music king, and he'll be able to create even more glorious achievements than his father, Ou Yi Bai.

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