FOD Chapter: 3.4

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Chapter: 3.4

Because the Crown Prince's poor supervision and failure to investigate his subordinates led to the fraud case, after the news spread, the Crown Prince's reputation among the officials and scholars was very bad. His already unsteady position as heir to the throne became increasingly precarious.

Fortunately, the Tian Chen Emperor had not yet completely lost confidence in the Crown Prince, after ordering him to reflect on his shortcomings for a few days, he still assigned him the job of presiding over the Qiong Lin Banquet, attempting to let him save a bit of reputation.

However, the Crown Prince was not at all grateful, so when the Tian Chen Emperor retired from the banquet, his expression immediately soured. He focused on pouring out the wine jug and drinking, ignoring the other guests. 

Because of this municipal exam, he'd lost a large number of subordinates, and was also reprimanded by his imperial father in front of numerous officials. He'd already lost all of his face; how could he have a good impression of this batch of students?

Zhou Yun Sheng sat under the head seat, secretly sizing up the legendarily licentious and arrogant His Highness, the Crown Prince. He was extremely handsome, a pair of slender sword-like eyebrows, slanting into the hair on his temples, and a pair of long and narrow, twinkling phoenix eyes. He always watched people with a sense of haughtiness, which invoked involuntary fear.

He was wearing worn-out black clothes, his lapel wide open, revealing snow-white inner clothes. Because the fabric was too thin, it actually outlined his smooth muscle lines, even from far away, you could perceive that his seemingly emaciated body still contained a powerful force. 

His posture was very idle, he sat with his legs spread, very bold, one hand holding the wine jug, the other holding a wine cup. Because he'd drank too much, his eyes were somewhat blurred, but he didn't look sullen, on the contrary, he looked sharper and wilder.

He seemed to find the activities somewhat boring, putting down the wine cup and propping his cheek on his hand, smiling faintly as he sized up the crowd of students. But his cold eyes caused all the guests to feel frightened, lowering their heads to avoid his gaze.

The temper of this royalty was infamously volatile, it was easy to provoke a deathly calamity without ever finding out which word triggered him. He dared to play around with the Tian Chen Emperor's imperial concubines, dared to intercept the state treasury's taxes, taking the silver for his own use, and even dared to brandish his sword and stab a court councilor who'd angered him during an imperial court session, resulting in serous injures. His style of action could be summed up in one word – mad! Four words – mad to the extreme!

With him on location, the other guests didn't dare be noisy, they didn't even dare breathe too loudly.

At this moment, in the palace hall, except for the sounds from the musicians, no one said a word.

Zhou Yun Sheng regained his line of sight, inwardly lamenting the Crown Prince's good looks. Even this world's male protagonist, the Seventh Prince, was no match for him.

At the same time, the Crown Prince was also sizing up the champion. The world knew that the Crown Prince loved beauty, whoever he fancied, whether man or woman, he would capture them. Shen Yi Bin was a first-class beauty, he could be called a talented young scholar. 

He looked like a spring flower, with a pair of vibrant peach blossom eyes. After drinking, his eyes were slightly damp, unexpectedly resembling a small animal, pitiable and lovely.

Plus, he was the youngest, yet he was wearing the crimson champion gown. Sitting amongst a group of long-bearded old men, he resembled a firefly on a dark night even more, dazzling and difficult to ignore.

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