FOD Chap 11.12

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Chapter 11.12

Chelman's students were surprised to find that after they participated in the field survival training, General Osborne and Cecil's atmosphere completely changed. They spent almost every day together, even in class, Osborne also didn't forget to look frequently through the crowd for Cecil, as if afraid he would disappear if he took his eyes off him for a second.

If Cecil winked at him or raised his eyebrows, he would laugh like a child who'd just received candy.

In contrast, the Kyle that Cecil was very close to before was suddenly very attentive to Joshua, in every possible way.

What are these two silly pairs doing? Exchanging partners? There was no time to speculate on the mystery, because another big event attracted everyone's attention. Old Aldrich was jointly sued in military court by several powerful families for obstructing Chelman Military Academy's rescue of candidates.

In the last enrollment examination, the rescue team Osborne had led was able to rescue the candidates trapped by the phantom spiders in time, but they were delayed for half an hour because the starship's energy converter was inexplicably damaged. If Cecil had not resolved the crisis, the candidates would have been killed by the phantom spiders.

Afterwards, Osborne carried out a thorough investigation of the matter, seizing a few mentors bribed by the Aldrich family, gathering key evidence. He sent the evidence to the parents of the candidates who were trapped at the time, letting them choose how to handle it.

The Aldrich family's practices simply attracted public outrage, they wantonly trampled on their subordinates, hindering them with no scruples, even if they were comrades, they could easily sell them if it benefited their own interests. Such a family was not a pillar of the Empire, but a cancer, it was necessary to eradicate them as quickly as possible.

Under the combined impetus of several families, the Aldrich family collapsed and the Fifth Army was suddenly rudderless. Several leaders of various smaller families scrambled for control of the regiment, making the situation more confusing.

While the others were fighting, Cecil quietly followed Osborne to the battlefield, after several major battles, he established a firm foothold in the army, accumulating a large number of loyal subordinates.

It took him only three years to subdue the Fifth Army by fearless means, leading them to the battlefield's front line. He repeatedly built outstanding achievements, directly promoting the rank of his army to the Second Army, which became very friendly with Osborne's First Army.

Kyle introduced Joshua into the royal family, and since the Lennon royal family was related by marriage to the Third Army, their growth was also very admirable.

Over the years, the Lennon Empire, the Freedom Federation and the Ballou Republic repeatedly generated friction, after several armed conflicts, just as a Star War was about to erupt, the Ballou Republic's scouts received shocking news, a new Queen was born among the Zerg.

This was undoubtedly bad news for mankind. There were a variety of Zerg, mutant high-level Zerg would produce wisdom, but they were mostly fragmented, it was difficult for them to form a colony. However, every few hundred years, the Zerg would birth a Queen, which had the ability to command all the Zerg, multiplying the accumulation rate of high level Zerg by tens of thousands per minute.

It was also very greedy, it needed to eat a lot of energy cores and precious metals every day, so it needed as much teams of Zerg as possible to plunder the universe for resources. It would order the Zerg to sweep all the universe's planets, trying to make them its lair.

Its birth meant insane Zerg and mankind's demise.

So the turf wars were being put on the back burner in the face of extinction, the various forces of mankind banded together to try and kill the Queen. The Queen had very high spiritual power, but because it needed to continue breeding, it had extreme ovarian development, becoming a defenseless meat ball. It was not difficult to kill it, but surrounding it, at every moment, there were hundreds of millions of high level Zerg guards, not to mention the soldiers, even the spaceships couldn't get close.

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