FOD Chapter 175

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Chapter 175

The Assai family's underground training ground covered a very vast area, divided into a gravity room, mecha room, and a sparing room, health room and other zones. The complete facilities were not inferior to the military's fitness center. After walking around the training ground and taking in the high-end equipment, you can gain a thorough understanding of the Assai family's strong financial resources. However, after the outbreak of the war, having such huge wealth was not enviable, if they weren't strong enough to guard it, it would be snatched away.

The Old Marshal glanced at Jeram and Lady Assai, realizing that Orr's situation was quite similar to the Empire's. But the current Orr didn't have to fear any scheming, so he could only hope that in the future, under his protection, the Empire could once again stand at the top of Asaph Galaxy.

"What are we testing first?" Zhao Xuan led the group to the health center and took off his robe, revealing his sturdy and powerful body. The original Orr's body looked great, but now, he looked like a carefully chiseled sculpture by God, each bulging muscle concealing destructive force. There was no need to test, just by standing next to him, your intuition would warn you about the danger.

Jeram watched his big brother, whose temperament and bodily features had completely transformed, then he seemed to finally comprehend something. His face paled, his heart shuddered, inwardly telling himself that that was impossible, how could that idiot Orr become the legendary super race? He didn't have enough brain power, how could he evolve?

But soon, reality crushed his self-consolation. Orr barely touched the spiritual power tester before the machine started groaning in protest, then it exploded. Fortunately, everyone was wearing protective gear, so no one was hurt. This was already the most high-end spiritual power tester, but it still couldn't bear Orr's power, like the ocean, his boundless strength went far beyond the military's expectations. They even had enough reason to suspect that he only needed to use his invisible spiritual power to strike and kill.

The Marshal and company finally experienced how formidable the super race could be. After a moment of silence, they let Orr continue the tests, unsurprisingly, the other equipment couldn't bear his overwhelming power either, and when the tests were completed, the ground was littered with broken machine parts, and a burning smell permeated the air. How was this a test, this was destruction, the medical experts, who couldn't even obtain a definite value for data, all exclaimed in their hearts: Strong, unprecedentedly strong! Only the vast universe can possibly stand a chance of accommodating the super race's berserk power.

Lady Assai gripped her son's arm to keep from fainting, forcing herself to maintain a calm tone, she asked, "So does this mean Orr has evolved? What level is he? 3S?"

"How can he be 3S?" The Marshal scoffed, under Lady Assai's desperate gaze, he slowly said, "He's one of the super race, the first successful evolution of the super race. Orr, the Empire needs your protection in order to maintain peace."

"Of course, it's the duty of every soldier to defend the Empire." Zhao Xuan's blunt, righteous answer.

The Marshal and company were very pleased, but Jeram and his mother were on the verge of collapse. He really was one of the super race, which meant that in the whole Empire, no, in the whole Asaph Galaxy, no one had the ability to kill Orr, unless he himself didn't want to live. His appearance changed, his personality changed, what if his nature changed? Did he notice their previous scheming? Will he retaliate? The mother and son felt even more anxious, regretting that they couldn't travel back in time and stop Kane's ridiculous plan.

As the saying went, brute force can overpower technique, when a person was powerful enough to reach an unimaginable level, other people simply couldn't afford to think about ​​resistance. If they'd known about Orr's successful evolution before, how could they scheme against him? If they could flatter him and cling to him, the power, wealth, status, and prestige that would eventually come to them would be grander than the entire Assai family's assets. They had no doubt, Orr would become the most powerful person in Asaph Galaxy, his strength would get him there.

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