FOD Chap 15.6

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Chapter 15.6

Zhao Bi Xuan found the first opportunity to mention the title exchange matter, seeing the Emperor only indifferent to it, she sent a letter to her family, so her father could hand the seal of the official heir over to her brother. Zhou Yun Sheng saw her really following his expectations and couldn't help but laugh mockingly a few times. A stroke of the brush, the standard affair, but he also directly promoted Zhao Ji Dong from a 5th rank in the Imperial Hanlin Academy to a holder of a bachelor's degree.

When the imperial edict arrived at Wen Yuan March, Fang-shi and Old Marquess Wen Yuan were naturally ecstatic, Li-shi, Zhao Xin Ran and the others were stamp with fury, hating that they couldn't send people to the March to beat some sense into them.

"My poor Xu-er ah! That's obviously your title, but that uppity slut stole it from you, how can you gain a foothold in the capital when you grow up?! His Majesty must be muddle-headed, how could he let a concubine oppress the first wife, and allow a common son to seize the title. To treat the clan rites as nothing, how does he... ..."

"Enough!" Not waiting for Li-shi's rant to finish, Zhao Xuan gloomily cut her off. He was now feeling very irritated, because of that Jezebel Zhao Bi Xuan, Qi Yi Ning was being so dismissive of social customs, he really wanted to tie him up and teach him a good lesson. But no matter how angry he was, he still couldn't listen to others slander that man.

"You dare criticize the Emperor, do you have a few extra heads? Watch what you say from now on, or I won't be able to protect you. I'll give Xu-er my title in the future, if you're still not at ease, I'll write a memorial to the Emperor right now to request it." He looked down and stroked his ornamental thumb ring.

"You'll give the Duke Yu Gou title to Xu-er? What about your heirs?" Li-shi was alarmed.

"I won't have any heirs, so I'll be able to pass the title to Xu-er."

"Why wouldn't you have any heirs? What do you mean... don't tell me you don't intend to marry and have children... oh no, were you injured at the border? My poor son, how could you be born under such an evil star?! *sobs*" Li-shi repeatedly questioned, feeling more and more convinced that her last guess was the truth, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

After her previous marriage arrangement ended, Zhao Xin Ran was given another marriage by her older brother. The bride-groom's official post was not high, but he had no parents and brothers, his body was clean, and he had no concubines. Plus he was her brother's subordinate, he was naturally loyal to him and followed his advice- the wife is the master of the household. So there were no bothersome common children, no concubines to stir up trouble, and not to mention, more days of leisure. So nowadays she was very complacent. Hearing the news, she had rushed over to comfort her mother, only to learn that her older brother had been injured and couldn't bear heirs. Also overcome with grief, she laid her head on her mother's shoulder and wept silently.

Six year old Zhao Xu chased a passing cricket into the room. He walked a few laps around the two huddled people, then also burst into tears, pushing the servants into a flustered flurry.

Zhao Xuan simply didn't want to pay attention to the hurricane passing through the house, he just went for a stroll through the bustling streets with a gloomy face. He debated sneaking into the palace at night, to peel off that man's clothes and thoroughly chide him, the more he thought about it, the more countless wicked thoughts rose up from his heart.

"Big Brother Zhao, did you come to join me for a drink?" Suddenly, someone beckoned him from above, looking up, it was actually the Gong Prince, Qi Jin Yu.

Because of their childhood encounter, the Gong Prince was always very congenial with him, often slipping out of the palace to play with him, left and right shouting 'Big Brother Zhao', very affectionate. Without the slightest bit of princely haughtiness, he actually tried to meet with him as an equal. At that time, Zhao Xuan was looking for a foothold to the top, so it was a mutual exchange of greetings. This friendship was originally a political investment, but in the end it didn't pay off. Instead, it was the Emperor who raised him up, until he finally became today's Duke Yu Gou. No matter how arrogant Zhao Xuan was, even he knew how to show basic gratitude, so he naturally wouldn't be easily won over by the Gong Prince. And now that the person sitting on the throne became the one his heart longed for, it was even more impossible for him to be swayed. He could bully that man, but no one else was allowed to touch him.

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