FOD Chap 7.9

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Chapter 7.9

Tian Chen Palace.

Gao Min was practicing his martial arts, his personal attendant saw that his teapot was empty and went to re-brew some more.

In the rack, he found Gao Gui Jun's favorite drink, Liu An Gua Pian, he tiptoed to reach the tea cans, and found a small piece of paper stuck to the bottom. He looked around quietly, saw no one, and quickly removed the piece of paper.

He unfolded the small square of rice paper and found only four words – send Gao Min home.

This was a simple job. The servant let out a relieved breath and burned the paper over the stove.

He went back into the practice room and raised the teapot, indicating that his master should take a little break. Gao Min was indeed tired, so he put the sword back into the scabbard and wiped away his sweat while he got a cup.

"Master, when your slave left the palace to buy supplies, I met grandmother by the shop keep. She said that her home's Chinese scholar tree had blossomed, it was fragrant and good-looking. Master, can you remember? We loved to climb the trees to pick fruit for grandmother when we were younger." The attendant suddenly opened.

Gao Min's face showed a reminiscent look, he smiled, "Of course I remember, after we picked the Chinese scholar tree grandmother would never let us leave. She made us sit and watch her chop seasonings, then made us Chinese scholar tree buns. Even the Imperial chief doesn't compare to her buns."

The servant smiled and eagerly nodded.

Gao Min gave him a funny look, then threw out his sleeves and said, "Great, now you woke up my chan chong. Quick, let's go back to the palace to pack up, we're heading home."

The attendant hastily agreed, then while they were walking, he suddenly called out, "We should stop by the Imperial study to pick up young master. It's been a long time since he saw his uncle and his grandfather."

Because of Li Jin Tian's indulgence, Gao Min actually never thought about this matter, so he brought his son and Li Wang out of palace. That afternoon, Li Jin's spy sent in a secret report.

"You saw Li Wang enter Gao house?"

The spy nodded.

"What are they doing?" Li Jin Tian's expression and tone was very calm, but his hand placed on the table was clenched.

"Slave doesn't know." The spy pressed his head lower.

"You don't know? I spent so much effort to cultivate you, and you can't even find out this small thing?"

"Replying to the Emperor, Gao family's home is surrounded by Deathmate soldiers, they patrol for 24 hours without interruption. I'm afraid we can't get too close."

Deathmates? Since ancient times, only the Emperor could have Deathmates, just what was the Gao family? Yes, what's the difference between Gao Jia and the Emperor's house now? Compared to the millions of private soldiers in the hands of Gao Jia, even the group of Deathmates were not worth mentioning.

Li Jin Tian didn't get angry, he just laughed, laughing at his own stupidity. Once upon a time, when Qi Jia was considered the top family in Da Yunguo, they could only turn out a dozen guards and one hundred servants. If such a family was considered the best family in the country, then what was Gao Jia now?

He'd personally infested his palace with tigers! Li Jin Tian had never regretted exterminating Qi home as much as he did now. Just imagining Gao Min and Li Wang having an affair in Gao house gave him an extremely painful headache.

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