FOD Chap 13.7

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Chapter 13.7

The current ZHOU Tech was full of confidence, holding a very grand conference for the new games, not only inviting the country's most well-known media, but also spending heavily to invite domestic A-list male and female celebrities as spokespeople.

Zhou Yun Sheng and Yi Zheng sat together, an elegant smile, an expressionless face, after the end of the male and female celebrities' performances, the reporters immediately flocked to the two to ask questions.

Yi Zheng was the interview's main object, most of the microphones stacked on top of his desk. He indifferently opened, "Today is a game conference, please distinguish between the primary and secondary objectives."

The reporters turned to Zhou Yun Sheng, but he just gave them a lazy smile, waved and said, "Let's not make words do the talking, see for yourself the extent of our games' brilliance."

He turned on the huge LED screen behind him, countless black lights circled, gradually forming a towering and majestic palace. A handsome robed man stepped into the palace, holding a scarred and haggard looking teenager, his voice deep and resounding, "From today on, Xinghai is my, Zong Yi's, small disciple. Leave immediately, no more begging."

The camera shifted, an old man and a young girl, whose face was twisted in jealousy, were standing outside the gate, they bent stiffly in acquiescence. They walked to the edge of the cliff, fleeing on top of flying swords.

The scene suddenly changed, the original scarred and battered boy was already cured, although his appearance was the same, his temperament was very cynical. His sometimes blurry and sometimes solid body maneuvered around numerous distorted faced cultivators, his hand a sharp blade, mercilessly reaping their lives. His black robe was soaked bloody, his cheeks splashed with spots of bright red blood, making his handsome face appear frightening, like a demon.

"What devil method, what Heart Sutra, just a convenient excuse to murder and loot treasures. Since you slander me, Fang Xinghai, as fallen into the devil path, today I'll slaughter you all. I'll make this accusation a self-fulfilling prophecy." The teenager's clear and melodious voice was filled with unnatural coldness, making those who listened to it somehow feel both comfortable and uneasy.

His voice faded, and every cultivator he touched exploded into blood red mist. The scarlet mist lingered on the boy's body, and he slightly raised his head and sniffed deeply, his expression intoxicated.

Although it was just 3D effects, the boy's yokai face was beautiful enough to suck in souls, they seemed to be able to perceive his nose expanding as he breathed, and his trembling eyelashes through the lifeless screen. His anger, his despair, his cruelty, his sharp skill and fear inducing cultivation method had repeatedly brought these people to feel that this was not an illusion, but real life.

A needle drop could be heard in the audience, the reporters were slack jawed and dulled eyed. Even if God gifted them with the richest imagination, they would still lack the ability to describe the boy's grace.

He was also very cruel, his decisive killing resembling a raging inferno engulfing the screen.

After the slaughter, the cultivators who had encircled him had to resort to their most powerful immortal killing spell array to trap him, shockingly, the man taking the lead was the old man from the beginning scene.

"Today, I'll clean up the sect on your master's behalf." His voice was tranquil, disguised as compassion, but it gave off a very strong sense of violation.

The teenager was trapped in an immortal killing spell array and burned by godly fire, his bewitching yokai face finally showing a look of agony. The audience felt like their hearts were being squeezed by an invisible hand, deeply melancholy. They felt sorrow at the boy's pain, joy at the boy's happiness, and heart filling anger when the boy suffered slander.

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