FOD Chap 11.2

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Chapter 11.2

Old Bernard arrived on Empire Star that night and took his grandson back to the main house.

He opened the long abandoned underground training room and allowed two loyal Bernard family physicians to use the medical equipment inside to carry out a precise test for his grandson. Before he got the exact data, he couldn't believe it was true.

Zhou Yun Sheng laid down on the test table and let the medical staff attach sensors to his temples.

"Cecil, enter your spiritual power into the machine through the sensor. Exhaust your efforts to attack its core." Old Bernard commanded.

"Grandfather are you sure? I heard that this machine is very expensive, at least ten million star coins." Zhou Yun Sheng raised his eyebrows.

"I said exhaust your efforts so exhaust it. Don't tell me, you think you can break this machine? It can bear a lot more than you're capable of imagining. Ok start." Old Bernard urged.

Zhou Yun Sheng hooked up his lips and inputted his huge spiritual force accumulated over numerous reincarnations into the tester core. If he could rely on spiritual power to create the vast expanse of the Xinghai space, destroying a machine was a piece of cake.

So unfortunately, the testing started up for a second, then there was a loud bang inside the machine, and it exploded into a pool of fragmented pieces of metal rolling on the ground. The two medics and Old Bernard were so frightened that they were speechless for a long time.

"Can the test results come out?" A few minutes later, Old Bernard pushed down his heart palpitations and opened.

"Sorry Marshal, young master Cecil's input of spiritual power was too fast, we couldn't get any useful data." The two medics shook their heads, horrified expressions still hung on their faces. Spiritual power manipulation was a slow process, like climbing, you must rely on willpower to push it up little by little, but Cecil's spiritual power didn't need this process, its outbreak was like the explosion of a volcano.

This spiritual power was completely different from the spiritual power of others. Other people's spiritual power could be used to heal, detect, connect personal terminals, manipulate mecha ... ... in short it could only play a supporting role. But Cecil's spiritual power could be used directly to kill.

That was terrible. The two physicians' faces paled.

Old Bernard also thought of this and his complexion changed a few times, he warned, "This matter cannot be leaked out." Able to use invisible spiritual power to kill, if such a strong person appeared, it would attract many people's fear and distrust. They would definitely try to kill Cecil before he could grow up.

Fortunately, the two people were very loyal to the Bernard family and quickly nodded in promise.

No one knew better than Zhou Yun Sheng about his own spiritual power. In the last world, he would run his soul force throughout his body, trying to break the shackles of the godhead every day, and over time his soul force became extremely pure and powerful. Suddenly asking him to exhaust a machine was like asking him to chop vegetables in a balloon, it was difficult to control his strength and not burst it.

He coughed and waved away their concerns, "Change the machine, I'll be gentle."

The two physicians' mouths twitched slightly, and soon a new machine was pushed over.

This time Old Bernard didn't dare give a reckless order, he asked for a slow input.

Zhou Yun Sheng nodded and trickled his soul force into the sensor. The idle arrow on the scale at 0 suddenly soared up, directly across the A line, arriving at A +, Zhou Yun Sheng continued entering his soul force and the arrow continued to rise, in the end it came to a steady stop at 3S, like someone was holding it down at that level, without the slightest fluctuations.

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