FOD Chapter 174

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Chapter 174

On the day Orr was imprisoned, Lady Assai and Jeram bought a luxurious banquet and opened a bottle of expensive wine to celebrate, as soon as Orr died, all of the Assai family inheritance would belong to them. Old Assai tried his best to defend it, but he couldn't defend against having a moronic son.

But after drinking only half the bottle, they heard the sound of a suspension vehicle docking in the driveway. Because all the robots had been sent back to the factory for maintenance, to prevent another rebellion from occurring, only the mother and son were living in the huge Assai estate. Lady Assai waved, telling her son to go and see who was outside. Jeram folded his napkin and walked up to the door to look outside, but his annoyed expression immediately turned disbelieving. Is that man the polite, gentle and prudent Orr? Has he gone mad? No, shouldn't he be in Kavala? Why is he back?

Outside, a man wearing a military uniform was helping a boy out of the car, then the man pressed him into the front of the car and covered him with frantic kisses, his big hands probing into the boy's clothes, exploring up and down. The boy looked startled for a moment, then he gave a most enthusiastic response, constantly changing the angle of the kisses, unable to settle on a type. His legs were tightly wrapped around the man's waist, repeatedly clamping, his golden peach eyes slightly misty and flushed, like he was about to melt at any second. They were kissing so intensely, but they never closed their eyes, they gazed deeply at each other, as if they couldn't see each other enough, a string of silver escaping from between their attached lips, the picture was very obscene but strangely beautiful.

Jeram felt the air heating up, making his nose and eyes almost burn up. He'd never seen such a passionate and unrestrained Orr. The boy pressed onto the front of the car seemed to feel a little tired, his legs wrapped around Orr's waist loosening slightly. Orr gave a dissatisfied grunt, then hitched the boy's thighs up higher, and impatiently started pulling open his shirt.

When the boy's round white shoulders were exposed to the open air, Orr finally seemed to realize that there was a third person on the scene. He immediately pulled the boy's collar back in place, took off his uniform jacket to wrap him up, then turned to look at the spectator.

Jeram's line of sight briefly touched his face before looking away, unconsciously backing up. Bluntly put, Orr made his heart tremble in fright. The other man's eyes had turned pure black, like a bottomless abyss, and because of his irritation over the interruption, the white part of his eyes were bloodshot, at first glance, he looked inhuman, like an extremely hungry beast whose feeding time was disturbed. Jeram even suspected that the other man was debating whether or not to pounce on him and rip him to shreds.

When Orr started walking closer, the surrounding air gradually grew heavier, until it was impossible to breathe. Is this man really Orr? Jeram was deathly pale, he stammered, "B-big brother, h-how did you come back?"

The man was very busy, even looking at him was a waste of time, let alone replying. He flung the boy over his shoulder and strode into the living room, followed the spiral staircase up to his bedroom, then slammed the door shut. The teenager kicked up a fuss at first, but he conceded after three consecutive spanks, and even raised his head in greeting to the shocked speechless Jeram and Lady Assai as they passed by.

The door was slammed shut, and judging by Orr's already lust warped expression, it'd be a long time before they came back out.

"What the hell's going on? How did he come back?" Lady Assai kicked passed her chair and anxiously ran out into the living room, due to her extreme shock, her usually elegant and gentle voice resembled a screech.

"Joe must've bailed him out. Fuck, I forgot that Joe was interested in him!" Jeram's forehead veins bulged in anger, he paced back and forth in the living room.

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