FOD Chap 1.9

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Chapter 1 .9

Zhou Yun Sheng was in the middle of taking a shower when suddenly, a strong body hugged him from behind. A slightly rough big palm was wandering around his waist, slowly exploring downwards……

He let out a passionate moan, asking disjointedly while enjoying the sensation,

“You…sold the…shares….to him?”


A man panted roughly, impatiently taking cities and seizing territories. He sucked and grinded on his lover’s slender white nape, unable to stop.


Zhou Yun Sheng let out a muffled groan while he ridiculed,

“Selling a pile of waste paper to your nephew at a sky-high price, you’re a really good uncle.”

“I sold it to him because I’m good to him. His whole journey has been too smooth, he needs to learn to face setbacks, otherwise, when someone else attacks, he’ll most likely suffer a crushing defeat and be unable to stand up again”

Zhou Yun Sheng concentrated on enjoying the caresses, too busy to answer. As the protagonist of this world, Zhou Wenjing naturally experienced significant ups and downs, but during all of them, Du Xu Lang and his harem were there to help him out.

Du Xu Lang’s tolerance for him could be called unprincipled, it was very strange for him to now unfeelingly watch him jump ahead into a trap that he was fully aware of, even pushing him from behind.

When the people around Zhou Wenjing change, it would also indirectly change the world. Zhou Yun Sheng squinted at the AI on his wrist that only he could see, his lips hooking in satisfaction. The progress bar in the upper left corner of the AI had already risen to 75%, not far from the scheduled target.


While the two Zhou family brothers were fighting to the death, Zhou family’s eldest son was quiet. Seeing Zhou Wenjing’s sudden rise to power, outsiders gasped in admiration while also mourning the eldest son’s incompetence. If the eldest son wasn’t so mediocre, the Zhou Group wouldn’t fall into the hands of two illegitimate children.

Yes, although Zhou Wenjing became the new chairman, Zhou Wenang still had a 30% stake in Zhou Clan and was a major shareholder. Even though there was no decision-making authority, the annual dividends could let him live a comfortable and free life.

Today, Zhou Wenjing was preparing to hold the first shareholders meeting since he took office, all were already present. A tall and beautiful secretary handed him his speech draft; her painted bright red nails lightly scratched the back of his hand suggestively.

Zhou Wenjing’s crotch tightened slightly, but his face wasn’t obvious. He glanced at the speech, and opened his mouth to speak, when the door of the conference room opened, and a uniformed policeman came in. He took out some documents and solemnly said,

“Good day, I am the section chief of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division, Xing Guo Quan. I ask Mr. Zhou Wenang, Mr. Lin De Yi, Mr. Zhou Shi Cong, Mr. Zhu Gang, Mr. Yang Ru Xuan, Mr. He Hong Bo … to come with me to the police station for investigation.”

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