FOD Chapter: 3.1 Space Reincarnation Girl

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Chapter: 3.1 Slapping the Space Reincarnation Girl


The male and female protagonists didn't even get to speak a word to each other, let alone get together. The second world was already completely out of the Lord God's control. After Zhou Yun Sheng returned to his XingHai space, he found that his soul power had become even more powerful than the last time. He was vaguely aware– as long as he disturbed a space, the power accumulated in this space could be absorbed by him.

This way of sustaining life was a copy of the Lord God's. Perhaps one day, when his power grew beyond the Lord God's, he would be able to break free from this prison and return to reality.

This speculation did not make Zhou Yun Sheng feel excited, on the contrary, he very much enjoyed every instant of confrontation with the Lord God.

As the energy absorbed was too large, he fell into a dormant state. When he woke up again, there were two new galaxies in the XingHai space.

Zhou Yun Sheng stood in the galaxies for a long time, then pressed the transfer button.

When he opened his eyes again, he was sitting in a simple small cubicle by himself, placed in front of him was a small long table, on it was a piece of white paper, a writing brush and an ink stone.

Was this ancient times? He pulled at his gorgeous brocade gown, then clicked on the AI on his wrist. There was a brief description of the world and detailed data on the original owner on the screen.

Here was a tribute courtyard in DaZhou Country, now was the once every three-years civil service examination. The original owner smoothly passed a series of examinations, including the prefectural exam, county exam, courtyard exam, and village exam, after breaking into the municipal exam, as long as he successfully passed, he could participate in the final palace exam.

The original's name was Shen Yi Bin, he was the Ministry of Appointments, high official Shen Hui's, eldest son. He was usually happy to partake, but not prepared to do any work in scholarly things, so this time, he could only make it through all the difficulties and arrive at the municipal exam because of the support from this world's heroine's blessings.

The heroine's name was Xie Yu Rou, she was the Seventh Prince's, Zhu Zi Qing, concubine. Previously, she died in the cold palace, but was currently reborn. During rebirth, she'd gained a medicinal space and a spiritual spring that could cure all diseases and nourish beauty.

Shen Yi Bin's older sister, Shen Qiao Dan, was also the Seventh Prince's concubine. In her past life, she and Xie Yu Rou were rivals, but because she gave birth to the eldest son, she overpowered Xie Yu Rou to become imperial concubine. 

After the Seventh Prince was enthroned, her child was established as crown prince and she became the Empress, mother of the world. As the loser, Xie Yu Rou was demoted again and again, and ultimately died of illness in the cold palace. Before her death, she learned that her many years of infertility were Shen Qiao Dan's masterpiece.

It was reasonable to think that Xie Yu Rou would hate the Shen family after rebirth, how could she secretly help Shen Yi Bin? Naturally, it was all a plot.

Xie Yu Rou knew future events, she sent someone to secretly reveal the exam questions to Shen Yi Bin, and helped him get all the way from the prefectural exam to the municipal exam. At this year's municipal exam, a big fraud case would be exposed. 

A palace eunuch copied the Tian Chen Emperor's handwritten exam questions and went outside the palace to sell it. The Crown Prince's followers secretly thought that this was a great opportunity to rake in money and joined hands with them to wantonly receive bribes.

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