FOD Chap 5.9

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Chapter 5.9

Qin Ce's Middle Army was already in charge of the defense of the capital, before, because of his amnesia, the Empress Dowager's camp exploited the loopholes. Now that he was back, as long as he called, his old subordinates would all respond and taking back the imperial city would only be a matter of time. 

But in order to ensure the safety of the young emperor, Qin Ce didn't make too much noise. Instead, he secretly made arrangements in order to make sure that there would be no bloodshed.

This day, the subordinates he'd sent finally captured the Empress Dowager's son alive and brought him back to the barracks.

After strictly interrogating through torture, Qin Ce obtained a list of traitorous officials, then prepared to raid the imperial city to clean up the imperial court that same night. 

The generals were gathered in the commander's tent to study the sand table when someone suddenly announced outside, 

"General Yu, someone outside the camp is requesting an audience."

General Yu was Qin Ce's right-hand man, and also the General Ding Yuan who was previously ordered to protect the Zhu mansion. Noticing the Commander frowning in discontent, he didn't dare slack off, immediately waving, 

"Fool, at this time, even the Heavenly Emperor would be turned away if he came! Tell them to leave!"

The solider hesitated for a moment, then said, 

"The other party claims to be Zhu Zi Yu from Qing Min County, he came to send the General some army provisions."

As the saying goes, an army marches on its stomach, which shows the importance of rations and fodder to army combat. The surrounding generals' eyes brightened, all looking toward their commander.

Why did Zi Yu come to delivery army provisions to specially Yucheng? Qin Ce's thick eyebrows furrowed, he waved his hand, 

"Bring him in. Yucheng stay, the rest of you leave."

The generals bowed and retreated.

"What's your relationship with Zi Yu? Have you met before?"

The Commander's tone sounded very gloomy. Yucheng was slightly startled, he quickly replied, 

"This subordinate has never met Zhu Gongzi before. I was ordered by Commander to guard the Zhu mansion before, Zhu Gongzi probably feels grateful for this, that's why he came here to deliver provisions."

Obviously, he was the one who'd issued the command, but the benefits all went to his subordinate. Qin Ce felt very upset, but he didn't want to expose his identity at this time, so he had no choice but to hide behind the screen. He said 

"Talk to him, I'll hide for now."

Yucheng was baffled by his actions, but it also wasn't a good idea to ask too many questions, so he had no choice but to have someone invite Zhu Gongzi in.

When the curtain was lifted, a young man with a striking appearance wearing dark red colored light clothing slowly entered, his bright red lips naturally curled upwards, so that he seemed to have a slight smile even when not smiling. 

His peach blossom eyes were sparkling and clear, seemingly passionate, seemingly ruthless, one could not help but be captivated.

This person was comparable to the blazing sun, always the focus of attention wherever he goes.

Yucheng stared in awe, when he finally returned to his senses, he unobtrusively looked for a sindoor on the other man's body. A Ger's sindoor generally grows in a very visible location, either on their wrist, earlobes or forehead. 

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