FOD Chapter 4.11

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Chapter 4.11

On Ji Han Yu's 12th birthday, his father brought a boy and girl home. He'd pulled their hands and walked to his side, telling him that they were his younger brother and sister, and that he should take care of them.

While Ji Han Yu was still dumbfounded, his mother suddenly overturned his huge birthday cake and cursed his father, resembling an uncultured shrew.

She said things like, Ji Ming Xuan, what kind of thing are you? Look at yourself, you're a fat old man, nearly 50 years old, why is a 20-something year old little girl giving birth to your children? Do you think you're her true love? Without my Cao family's support, you're f#cking nothing! Take these two bastards out of my sight!

His father's face had bloated like a pig liver, Ji Han Yu thought he looked funny, so he laughed.

His father was angered, he pointed at him and ridiculed, 

"Bastard, what are you laughing at? Who do you think you are? Your mother called them bastards, but she's also the Cao family's bastard. Without the Ji family's wealth, why would anyone pay attention to you? You guys eat from me, take from me, yet still fight against me, ungrateful bastards."

At that time, he'd scoffed at these words, but they'd left a deep imprint in his heart. That's why, when he heard Lin Cheng Ze say that he was just in love with his family background, he got so angry, then thought up that ridiculous plan.

He told Lin Cheng Ze that the Ji family went bankrupt, that he had nowhere to go. His expression was very depressed, but he was laughing heartily inside. 

The Ji family had really gone bankrupt, all those illegitimate children that coveted the family property were probably hiding in their beds, weeping. But for Ji Han Yu, it had no effect.

When his mother had married into the Ji family, his grandfather had given her a lot of cash, enough for them to spend for a lifetime. He'd asked his mother for two million, and with his uncle's help, he'd built a factory, the profits were sizable.

He'd pretended to be penniless and rang Lin ChengZe's door bell, hoping he would shelter him. Lin ChengZe agreed, but he started alienating him, fawning over his friends instead. 

Ji Han Yu looked on from the sidelines, sneering in his heart. He thought that Lin Cheng Ze had already fallen into his trap.

He'd planned to live there a few days then leave, but in that short three days, Fang You Ran's selfless care touched him, so he decided to stay. 

He deliberately got closer to Fang You Ran, leading him into his arms, while introducing Lin Cheng Ze to his friends, hoping he'd fall into his showy and rotten trap.

Lin Cheng Ze was annoyed with his friends, even Ji Han Yu had noticed, but he'd still always be available for them. At that time, Ji Han Yu thought that Lin Cheng Ze really could endure anything for money. but the later event taught him the true reason behind Lin Cheng Ze's endurance, it was all for him.

Ji Han Yu thought that Fang You Ran had given him the purest love, but he didn't expect Lin Cheng Ze's love to be even more pure, even more desperate. He was like a raging fire, he was willing to burn himself to ashes for his beloved. When he loved you, he would even willingly offer up his soul.

This was the type of love Ji Han Yu had always desired, but he'd inadvertently discarded it.

He slept with Fang You Ran, when he saw Lin ChengZe suddenly appear, ashen faced, he hadn't felt the slightest remorse. Why wasn't he remorseful? 

Whenever the scene replayed in his dreams, Ji Han Yu stood in front of himself countless times, over and over interrogating himself, cursing himself, even wanting to slap himself awake.

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