FOD Chapter 169: The Real World

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Chapter 169: The Real World

Zhao Xuan really fulfilled his promise and sent Zhou Yun Sheng back to the capital, then he went to the Northwest by himself. The Northwest's chaos was originally incited on his orders, so he went to the Northwest and once again suppressed the barbarians' rebellion after a few months. Then he hurried back to the imperial court in triumph, and never again stepped foot out of the capital. When the Emperor turned 37 years old, he abdicated the throne to the First Prince. The First Prince was barely fifteen, quite immature, so there was worry that he wouldn't be able to control the officials, especially the overwhelmingly powerful Northwest King, Zhao Xuan. But surprisingly, after the abdication ceremony, Zhao Xuan also handed over his accounts book and announced his retirement.

The consecutive withdrawal of two influential figures from the stage of history caused no small shake up in Da Qi. Fortunately, the First Prince had inherited the pervious emperor's ingenuity, and after learning through experience for a few years, the country slowly stabilized. But he often missed his Father Emperor, who was out traveling the world together with Duke Yu Guo.

Zhou Yun Sheng received a lot of code from Zhao Xuan, but when only the last section was remaining, the man was reluctant to hand it over for some reason. Helpless, Zhou Yun Sheng could only accompany him, slowly dilly-dallying. Finally, when they were old and white haired, teeth dropping out, unable to even travel anymore, Zhao Xuan pulled him into a shaky embrace, and kissed his earlobe for a long time.

The last string of code entered 008's database, and Zhou Yun Sheng cried tears of joy, exhausting all his strength to hug his lover back, saying over and over, "Zhao Xuan, I love you. No matter who you are, or what name you have...I'll always love you! You must remember that!"

The nurses noticed that the boy lying in the restoration cabin was silently crying, his heart rate gradually increasing. Thinking that he couldn't support himself anymore, they quickly pressed the help button. When the doctors rushed in, the boy suddenly opened his eyes, his expression confused.

He half sat up, and pushed the doctor blocking his line of sight away. Seeing Orr Assai quietly lying on the neighboring sick bed, his EEG very stable, he finally let out a relieved breath.

"Prepare the most advanced workshop for me, I need four MYS097 model computers, four Noma processors, two satellite signal receivers... ..." He stepped out of the restoration cabin relaying clear instructions. Two nurses toweled off the blue restoration fluid on his body, while another nurse dutifully recorded his demands, then they excitedly asked, "Mr. Zhou, did you find a way to break into the Queen's terminal?"

"Yes, go quickly." Zhou Yun Sheng asked the doctor for a white lab coat and casually threw it on, then walked up to the bedside to carefully look over Orr's condition.

"Nothing happened to him, right?" He gently smoothed the other man's disheveled hair, seeing the rough stubble littering his jaw, he couldn't help but rub it, then his lips hooked up in a tender smile. He would definitely resurrect his lover in this empty vessel.

"General Orr's condition is very stable, but there's still no signs of awakening. When we saw his brain signals suddenly so active, we thought he'd be able to return to normal. But recently, the hospital has to daily shut off the ventilators of patients who've died of brain death, it's so unbearable, I hope General Orr isn't the next one to go." The nurse performed a "God bless" gesture. Once General Orr's EEG stopped fluctuating, in order to save on energy and costs, thereby saving more people who needed recovery, the hospital would need to euthanize him.

"No, he won't die." Zhou Yun Sheng gave a very confident smile.

The Imperial Marshal rushed over when he got the news, pointing to the soldiers carrying in equipment behind him, he said, "Everything you've requested is ready. Are you thinking of connecting them through the Star Network? Won't this expose our location?" Currently, humanity could only hole up in the air raid shelters their ancestors built hundreds of years ago. Because these air raid shelters were not accessible from all sides, and not covered by any network signals, they were in the Queen's blind spot. But once a satellite signal receiver was used, the Queen would be able to follow the trail to them.

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