FOD Chapter: 3.5

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Chapter: 3.5

That night, Zhou Yun Sheng went back home and told Shen father of his drunk antics and other events.

"I didn't think you would actually enter His Highness the Crown Prince's eyes, this can be considered rare. In recent years, His Highness temperament has been violent, so there are few friendly encounters." 

Shen father stroked his beard and sighed, but his heart was quite worried. This prince's behavior was audacious, he'd gradually lost his saintly heart, and in recent years, a few court councilors have repeatedly presented memorials to the emperor to request a change of heir. It was a disaster for his son to get too close to him, not good fortune ah!

Zhou Yun Sheng also knew Shen father's thoughts, continuing, 

"When your son accidentally angered the Crown Prince, the Seventh Prince was silent in his seat, he was obviously pleased at the events. Father, the Seventh Prince is not our ally."

Shen father's eyes darkened, then he silently withdrew.

Zhou Yun Sheng returned to his room, sent away his personal servant, and sat in front of his lamp to meditate. He'd reincarnated many lifetimes, one of which was a founder of a demonic cult, not only was his martial arts high, his knowledge of poisons was unparalleled in the world. The scent of drugs on the Crown Prince's body was thick, he obviously took the drug at least once a day, but this prescription was really deadly.

The name of the medicine was HanShi San, its common name was- Five Mineral Powder, after taking it, people entered into a state of euphoria.

But its most fundamental usefulness was actually the treatment of typhoid fever, and it was a life-saving medicine. The proper use could quickly heal the typhoid fever and stabilize the body, but its abuse could cause addiction, poisoning the body.

Taking HanShi San could lead to a high fever, if not promptly cooled down, the patient would die. The method of heat removal was eating cold food, wearing thin clothes, sleeping on cold beds, cold baths, etc. 

The body couldn't get into contact with the tiniest bit of heat. But it was also necessary to drink a lot of wine, and the wine needed to be warm and good, the drunk state would greatly improve heat distribution.

After taking it for a long time, many side-effects would appear in the body. A violent temperament was only the first side effect, there was also excessively high body temperature, and easily bruised thin skin, so wearing soft, over washed, well-worn clothes was necessary. They couldn't wear new clothes, and the clothes needed to be relaxed and elegant, not too tight. In order to reduce foot bruising, they had to give up boots and only wear wooden clogs.

The point was, the Crown Prince didn't suddenly turn arrogant and wild, he had no choice in the matter.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun Sheng opened 007 and searched for the state of HanShi San in DaZhou Dynasty, a moment later, he let out a guttural sigh. DaZhou Dynasty didn't have HanShi San on its records, obviously, the drug was a secret drug not handed down from ancient times. In the entire DaZhou Dynasty, perhaps only the Crown Prince was using it.

The thoughts of the person who'd offered him this drug, Zhou Yun Sheng almost didn't need to think to guess this.

The Crown Prince was 27, the prime of life, the Tian Chen Emperor looked healthy, but he was already over 50 . In these ancient times, he could be considered past longevity, sooner or later, he'd have to fly on a crane to the Western Paradise. 

The Tian Chen Emperor had always doted on the Crown Prince extravagantly, the Crown Prince also worked hard, in politics, he could be described as omnipotent. His governing talent was even better than the Tian Chen Emperor's, and in his early years, he'd received the support of most of the court councilors and the common people.

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