FOD Chapter 176: The End

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Chapter 176 : The End

Nan Qing sent Kane a message to probe him out, saying that he wanted to come back to the imperial capital. Kane was initially strongly opposed, but after seeing him on video, he changed his mind.

"You made yourself look like this?" He was amazed, but also somewhat thoughtful. "Didn't I tell you to make yourself look completely different?"

"But I can't stand being ugly. Big brother, I want to come back home, I want to be with Orr. After leaving him, I realized how much I love him. The original Nan Qing is dead, but Nan Li still has a chance. I know what kind of person Orr likes, I'll definitely be able to get his love again. Big brother, the Celayan family needs the Assai family's support right now, if you let me come back, I'll help you win over Orr." Nan Li was not a fool, he naturally knew what his brother needed.

"Ok, I'll send someone to pick you up." Kane considered for a moment, then agreed. Although his brother's spiritual and physical level was F, he was very good at making people do his bidding. Before, Nan Qing used to help him build bridges and expand his connections, he really helped him out. Now, he'd upgraded his looks to ridiculous heights, but also kept some of the previous Nan Qing's features. With how in love Orr was with his younger brother, he'll definitely immediately take notice.

He'd sent a private message to Orr, explaining that he'd bribed a prisoner to beat him up because of his sorrow and grief, but he never wanted to kill him. Orr didn't know that Nan Qing wasn't murdered, he must certainly still feel guilty over it, and might left the Celayan family off. Sure enough, not a few days after the letter was sent, Orr stopped suppressing the Celayan family, which made Kane breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, feel even more certain that Orr hadn't changed inside. He was still straightforward and honest, and he still had deep feelings for his younger brother. Such a person was actually very easy to control, if his younger brother was still here, he'd definitely be able to captivate Orr, and make him trust the Celayan family again.

Now that his brother was even more beautiful, he naturally welcomed him back. Nan Qing returned to the capital planet under the identity of the Celayan family's distant cousin, and changed his name to Nan Li. Mrs. Celayan's family name was Nan, and he looked very similar to her, so even the old house servants didn't find it odd, they just thought he was the extended family's young master from a distant minor planet.

"Big brother, I missed you so much!" Nan Qing excitedly hugged his older brother, then looked around the magnificently decorated living room, finally feeling a sense of belonging. He still loved the bustling and noisy city life, he couldn't stand the cold and lonely countryside. Originally, he thought he could become the spouse of the strongest person in the Federation, but that beautiful dream only lasted two weeks. If only he'd known this would happened, why did he have to set Orr up? He was like a person who'd left on a long journey, until they finally realized that the treasure they were looking for from the start was in their backpack, but because they'd thought the backpack was too heavy, they'd discarded it at the start of the journey.

"I'm going to marry Orr." He must get his treasure back.

"He doesn't know who you are at all right now." Kane's blunt statement, "When I asked you to get engaged with him, you said he wasn't good enough for you, isn't it too late to regret?"

"It's not too late, as long as he still loves Nan Qing, I can definitely make him fall in love with Nan Li. You just have to introduce him to me, I have ways to attract his attention. Speaking of which, I want to debut as Nan Li, please pave the way for me. Orr likes glamorous people, I want him to see my face wherever he goes." Nan Qing was clearly very satisfied with his new face, he reached out to stroke his cheeks for a moment, then unconcernedly asked, "Oh right, what happened with that murder case?"

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