FOD Chapter 8.5

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Chapter 8.5

Zhou Yun Sheng bid Ivana farewell, then hid under his quilt and made a gagging expression. Whether it was him or Romeo, they weren't the slightest bit interested in Hayden that arrogant slag. He put up that farce to one, fulfill Romeo's wish to live under the sun by coming out of the closet; second, to wash his reputation clean and let Romeo get enough viewer votes; three, to knock Hayden off his high horse.

Hayden bribed one of the hosts to shave Romeo's hair, causing him to leave the show, this debt needed to be re-paid.

Hayden's fan group was huge, but because he's a new celebrity, his fans' loyalty hasn't had the time to settle, they may switch camps at any time. When they find that Romeo's bad character was to cover up his grief, they would certainly identify with him and feel compassion. The sharp decline in net votes should stop at that time.

Starting from the next game, Zhou Yun Sheng will stay far away from Hayden, but Hayden will certainly start actively harassing him. So, their circumstances will be reversed. The audience will always sympathize with the underdog, especially someone in a desperate one-sided love. Their brains will easily fill in the gap from personal experience or from consuming hundreds of thousands of stories with heart-breaking love-affairs. This will make them effortlessly sympathize with Romeo's pain and feel disgusted with Hayden.

Romeo's pure appearance and clean temperament was his most powerful weapon.

When a rough old man painted with heavy make-up and effeminate behaviors comes out of the closet, no matter how pitiful his performance, the audience would more or less feel psychological discomfort at the appearance gap, although most of them actually don't have any resentment with homosexuality.

But when an innocent and pure looking child shows confusion, pain and helplessness at his sexuality, looking at his delicate androgynous face and seeing his awkward but extremely cute personality, even the coldest person wouldn't have the heart to condemn him. Of course, some people have terminal homophobe cancer, but their values ​​and outlook on life was their own hang-up.

Zhou Yun Sheng anticipates that Romeo's situation will greatly improve after this episode broadcasts.

The next day, all the players were called to the studio for judging. The host, Ariel, welcomed everyone and introduced the prizes for this session, causing everyone to marvel.

"We forgot to inform you that this session's best photo will be made into a poster ad for MOT mobile phones and placed in their stores. So, all of MOT's loyal users could be seeing your face, isn't that exciting?" Ariel raised her hand and loudly asked.

"Whoo hoo!"

How could you not be excited? This world's most advanced yet stylish smart phones came from MOT stores, every day, easily tens of thousands of people lined up to buy from them, whoever wins this episode will become famous.

All the players had ambitious eyes.

After last night's inner monologue, the crew treated Romeo with special fondness, they skipped over the crowd to give him a close-up. He had big, wide open, sea blue eyes, and his expression was very dazed. This child obviously gets lost easily, he's really too fragile, they wanted to give him an encouraging hug.

Ariel called the players one by one to the stage, commenting on their best photo. In the three judges, Ariel was a supermodel, Jeffrey was one of the world's best runway coaches, and Eureka was a public relations expert and a founder of a fashion brand. In the fashion circle, they were well-known figures. Their comments were very professional, but also very poisonous, they didn't give players praise they didn't deserve.

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