FOD Chap 7.14

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Chapter 7.14

Li Xudong ascended the throne as quickly as possible, calmed down the civil strife caused by Gao Jia, then allowed his brothers to take their Mother Imperial Concubine or Jun Father out of the palace. He also held a grand funeral for the Emperor, announced the abolition of taxes for three years and gave favors to the administrative sections.

All the people in the country benefited, and they praised Six Princes' filial piety, calling him a wise monarch.

"He's just ascended the throne, and they're already calling him a wise monarch." Zhou Yun Sheng shook his head while packing his bags.

Li Xudong stared heavily at him, then he asked for the thousandth time, "Jun Father, do you really want to go? You're not staying to help your child manage the palace?"

"Manage the inner palace? Who would like to do such a boring job? I want to roam the world and reach its end." In reality, he was just setting off to find his long lost lover. In the past few years, he'd turned the palace around, but he was nowhere to be seen. He'd even had the whimsical thought that the man might be a eunuch, so he'd personally examined all the tall and handsome eunuchs.

The wolf cub had almost torn all those people apart. Then he'd repeatedly warned Zhou Yun Sheng that even if he felt lonely, he shouldn't pressure the servants into sex. 'If Jun Father finds it really unbearable, you can always come find me' and so on. Zhou Yun Sheng was rendered genuinely speechless at that berating.

"Jun Father, please stay, your child has just ascended the throne, he doesn't understand anything. If you don't stay, I'll be very frightened." Li Xudong pulled Zhou Yun Sheng into his arms, his hot breath printing on the Zhusha Zhi on his neck.

But Zhou Yun Sheng continued to pack, unmoved. Then he suddenly felt a heavy blow to his neck and he fainted. In the end, this was the son he'd raised, he never prepared for an attack from that person.

What does the wolf cub plan to do? Did he feel that his father's ability was too powerful and unpredictable, so he wanted to secretly remove him? This was his last thoughts before he fainted.

When he woke up, he was lying on the dragon bed in Yang Xin Temple. He only wore crimson, translucent clothing, and his wrists and ankles were buckled with cold iron shackles. The long chains were fixed to the huge pillars, he couldn't shake them off.

Am I under house arrest? He frowned, his lips slowly pulling up into a sneer.

"Jun Father, are you awake?" Li Xudong suddenly appeared in the hallway, wearing a big red robe, his appearance was carefully arranged- he looked extraordinarily handsome. He seemed to have just drunk a lot of wine, his bronze skin was flushed and his eyes were misty.

"You got married today?" The wolf cub was eighteen years old, it was time to marry. Plus, he was the new Emperor, he needed to choose a minister's daughter (or Ger son) to stabilize the court and fill the harem as urgently as possible. Zhou Yun Sheng pondered while looking at his surroundings.

"Yes, I'm married today." Li Xudong was tensed and covered in sweat. Before he came in, he drank several wine bottles to embolden himself, but when he saw his father looking around so confused, his self-control was pushed to the brink of collapse, all he wanted to do now was pounce on him and devour him.

Zhou Yun Sheng raised his eyebrows, "Which child?"

Li Xudong didn't answer, he slowly poured two cups of wine and brought them to the bed, then quietly said, "Jun Father, please drink." This was hejin wine, he'd wanted to bring up Jun Father's upper body to drink together, but he didn't dare touch him.

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