FOD Chapter 173

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Chapter 173

The Celayan Brothers were quarreling in the next room, and Jeram and Lady Assai were guarding the unconscious Orr.

"Mom, I can't figure out why Kane doesn't just kill him directly. Right now, all I have to do is just gently twist his neck to send him straight to hell." Jeram paced around his older brother, his hands restless. Only God knew how much he wanted to personally kill him, he even dreamt of it.

"Kane won't only kill him, he'll completely destroy his reputation. You know already, the honor of being labeled a Superhero should've been Kane's, but Orr stole his glory. Don't be impulsive boy, everyone in the galaxy is paying attention to the Assai family right now, if Orr suddenly died, the military and the police would swarm this place in investigation. Our identities would make things awkward, and we might get caught up in the mess. It's best to have someone else kill him." Lady Assai swirled her wine glass, patiently waiting for the quarrel next door to finish. As for that interstellar superstar, it's understandable that he found it hard to give up such a prosperous life.

"Don't worry mom, I won't dirty my hands. I can understand Kane's feelings, Orr has always been so annoyingly perfect, he could always easily get the things that other people only dreamed of. There I was thinking that my father loved me, who knew he'd hand over all of the Assai family property to Orr on his death bed." Jeram laughed bitterly.

Lady Assai's composed expression finally cracked a little. The Assai family's property was huge, including some of the Empire's most advanced arms factories, two star harbors, and more than a dozen minor planets, which mineral reserves grades have reached S class. If Old Assai was a little bit generous to Jeram, just a little bit, this mother and child would've been able to forever live a life of luxury. But he was not fair, he secretly wrote up a will, handing all of the Assai family's inheritance to Orr, and he also set limitations, forbidding Orr from handing over control to others by any means.

This was simply driving the mother and child to murder.

While brooding over this, the quarrel next door stopped. Nan Qing, his face deathly pale, stood in the doorway and glanced at the two, then dully murmured, "I'm leaving first."

"Pheebs, it'll be okay, I promise to give you an even more glamorous future!" Kane hugged him and gently comforted him, in the end, he escorted him to the suspension car, and ordered his subordinate to secretly send him off to another planet.

"Who's going to do it?" Lady Assai put down her wine glass, her face awash in expectation.

"Both of us." Kane and Jeram said in unison. They didn't trust each other, so it was better to have both of their hands get equally dirty.

Lady Assai sashayed out of the room, waving, "Then you two get busy, I'm making dinner."


Zhou Yun Sheng stayed in the studio until the next afternoon. The once bustling air-raid shelter was now very cold and lonely, as soon as the Marshal announced that the Queen had completely disappeared, everyone quickly abandoned the place, desperate to once again bask in the sun. Only the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cyber ​​Security Center staff haven't withdrawn. Seeing the various building materials and industrial robots constantly transported in, Zhou Yun Sheng guessed that the two departments would probably permanently set up base underground, because it was more secure.

The air-raid shelter's tunnels were very long, new lighting was installed, the surroundings lit up in deathly pale white. Zhou Yun Sheng slowly walked forward, his footsteps echoing against the walls, sounding like two people were walking at the same time, one in reality, one in fantasy. Suddenly feeling a premonition, Zhou Yun Sheng stopped and touched 008 on his earlobe. Right now in the whole galaxy, he was probably the only one who dared use a personal terminal with such advanced AI, other people still felt traumatized by the Queen's rebellion, and for at least two or three years, they probably wouldn't be able to overcome their fear.

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