FOD Chapter 4.4

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Chapter: 4.4

The door to the conference room opened. Yu Mei Lian impatiently walked over to greet, Wu Tao and Boa also hadn't left, and were waiting not far away.

"How was it?"

"I got it, I have to come shoot the ad in three days. Sister Yu, help me negotiate a good price, I urgently need some funds." 

Zhou Yun Sheng said while folding his flower juice-stained handkerchief into his pocket.

"Don't worry, even if you're a newcomer, AYA has deep pockets, you won't be stiffed." 

Yu Mei Lian assured.

Zhou Yun Sheng patted her shoulder, 

"Then I'll leave all the details to Sister Yu. I have to go to class, later." 

He walked past Wu Tao, who had a complicated expression, and the red eyed Boa, nodding slightly, he gave them a gorgeous smile.

Three days soon passed, during which Yu MeiLian called and told him that AYA's advertising fee was five hundred thousand. For a newcomer, this was an astronomical price, so she agreed without telling him.

To a newcomer, an ad could pay as much as a few hundred-thousand in income and as little as a few ten-thousand. Only a real first-class superstar could do an ad that paid tens of millions. Zhou Yun Sheng knew the market, expressing sincere thanks for Yu MeiLian's efforts.

He woke up very early that morning, opening the door and heading to the dining room while putting on a shirt.

The young man's skin was like milk, white and creamy, emitting a slight glow under the orange lighting; His hair was uncombed, only slightly brushed with his fingers, it was messy but sexy; 

His pair of peach blossom eyes had a layer of mist because he'd just woken up. When he walked over with a dazed look, he seemed both pure and cute.

His figure was very thin, or maybe not so, because his unfastened shirt was partially opened, revealing a slice of a flexible and powerful waist, and a neat arrangement of abdominal muscles. Further up was a delicate and graceful collarbone.

He yawned. Two tear drops seeped out of his peach blossom eyes, but they didn't slide down his cheeks, rather, they clung to his thick eyelashes. He arrived at the dining table and sat down, his cheek propped on his right hand, his left hand holding his spoon, erratically stirring the hot congee. White steam hung in the air, blurring his facial features, but it made that lazy bearing all the more moving.

A loud clattering sound disturbed his leisure. He frowned towards the boy sitting opposite him, seeing Ji Han Yu's flushed face as he jumped up, avoiding the spilled congee on the table.

"Don't move around, I'm coming. How can such a big man drop his bowl? What were you so absentminded about?" 

Fang You Ran ran out of the kitchen with a cleaning rag.

"'I, I was just thinking about my family." 

Ji Han Yu stammered, at the same time, he quickly glanced at Lin ChengZe, who was focused on his congee. Even if he hated Lin ChengZe, he also had to admit that the boy's appearance was perfect. He only hadn't seen him for a few days, but his facial features seemed to have opened up a little. 

His every movement was completely missing his former frivolousness and debauchery, instead, there was a bit of laziness and elegance. Like a Persian cat, resting in the sunlight, eyes squinted. It made him feel an intolerable itchiness in his heart, wanting to reach out and pet.

When Fang You Ran heard this, his heart ached. He quietly picked up the broken pieces of porcelain, wiped up the spilled congee, then poured him another bowl. His tone was very gentle, 

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