FOD Chap 7.4

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Zhou Yun Sheng's expressionless face returned as soon as he left. He raised his hand and casually wiped the blood off his forehead, letting out a cold laugh. His personal servants were all already hypnotized, they were only loyal to him. Now, their heads were all lowered, pretending that they hadn't seen this scene.

Li Jin Tian awkwardly fled back to the Yang Xin Palace and stared at the desk of memorials in a daze. At the top of the memorials was a petition presented by the Imperial Astronomer. Several titles were listed, all carefully selected for the first Duke of Jin, Gao Lang.

Among these was 'Duke of Yu', the three words were meticulously circled by the imperial pen, obviously Gao Min's suggestion. Duke of Yu, in the dream about the second life, wasn't Gao Lang granted the title of Duke of Yu? Does this mean that the dreams were real?

Li Jin Tian's hands trembled as he clenched the memorial, then he angrily threw it away. But it was too late to back out now, Gao Lang's imminent promotion to imperial duke was widely known among the civil and military officials in the imperial court. 

Plus, in order to please Gao Min, he'd bestowed the official imperial duke mansion in advance, the Gao family had already moved in.

The current Li Jin Tian felt like he'd swallowed hundreds of flies, neither swallowing them nor vomiting them, his chest was extremely uncomfortable. 

He poured several pots of herbal tea and finally managed to suppress his turbulent emotions, then he heard someone outside announce that Concubine Gao's personal maidservant was requesting an audience.

"Come in." 

Li Jin Tian felt increasingly agitated, but he still didn't shoo the person away. He really couldn't be ruthless to Gao Min.

"This servant girl sees the Emperor. The master sent this servant girl to relay some words, that is, Concubine Qi has entered the imperial study, unauthorized. He wants to take a prince back to his palace. How do you want to deal with him?" 

The maid's expression showed faint indignation. Obviously, she felt that Qi Xiu Jie was not qualified to raise a prince.

"What 'deal with'? Letting Concubine Qi adopt a prince was my idea, who among you dares to oppose it?" 

Even if he couldn't rule over Gao Min, couldn't he rule over an insignificant servant girl? Li Jin Tian's tone was very cold.

The maidservant was very startled, seeing that the emperor's eyes were already leaking fury, she quickly apologized and left.

In the imperial study's doorway, Zhou Yun Sheng was facing off with Gao Min.

Even after suffering all kinds of torture in the prison, this person's backbone was still so straight, always looking at others with that look of superiority. 

But what does he have to be so proud of? The Qi family was long gone, so all he had left was a broken body to live in.

Thinking of this, Gao Min smiled contemptuously, but before this smile could completely blossom, a palace maid whispered something into his ear which made his face pale.

Zhou Yun Sheng smiled slightly, cupping his hands as he indifferently said, 

"I'll head in first." With that, he leisurely strolled into the imperial study.

"I don't know what sorcery you've cast to make His Majesty spare you, but I'll never let you live freely!" 

Gao Min coldly threatened. Apparently feeling that his ruthless threat was eerily similar to the actions of the females competing for favor, his complexion turned even uglier.

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