FOD Chapter 8.16 & 8.17

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Chapter 8.16 & 8.17

Romeo has won the best photo prize twice, his rapid rise has attracted the hostility of all the players. They deliberately snubbed him, but found that he didn't seem to care about this. He ate, slept, and trained with more energy than anyone else, and he only talked to Ivana, everyone else wasn't even on his radar. They didn't know that he wasn't deliberately ignoring everyone, he was just too lazy to pay attention to them.

The feeling of futility was really terrible. The players quickly stopped their pointless efforts and focused on the game.

One morning, a player found a note on the TV which read – it takes great courage to set foot on the runway, do you have it?

What does that mean? Certainly, it must be a challenge project to test everyone's courage and scare them out of the game? The players felt an ominous premonition. Zhou Yun Sheng made two sandwiches, took two bottles of milk, and walked to the luxury bus with Ivana to wait for departure.

When everyone boarded the bus, the driver saw that the departure time was approaching and turned around and asked, "All in?"

Everyone looked at each other and found that Emily and Hayden weren't among them, presumably, they'd partied too hard last night and overslept. But no one wanted to say it, they nodded, "We're here, you can go."

Only the driver knew where the challenge location was today, if Emily and Hayden didn't catch up, since they couldn't use the phone or a computer to get the address, they would definitely miss the game and lose points.

In this increasingly competitive state of affairs, no one was willing to help their opponents.

Zhou Yun Sheng also didn't want to remind the driver, but he now had a 'crush on' Hayden, he couldn't be heartless to Hayden. He was about to speak when Ivana covered his mouth. The two struggled for a moment, then Zhou Yun Sheng finally broke free of Ivana's shackles and shouted, "Please wait driver! Hayden and Emily aren't here, I'll go up and call them."

The driver glanced at his watch and warned, "Hurry up, you have 10 minutes, 10 minutes. If you don't come back by then, I have to leave, and you won't be able to participate in today's challenge." The program group had anticipated a latecomer eventually, so they'd told him in advance to ignore them. This was to highlight the competition's strictness and fairness.

"Yes, thank you sir." Romeo immediately got off and raced towards the villa.

The contestants complained about Romeo's foolishness.

Although Ivana was very upset, she still defended him, "Yes, Romeo is an idiot. But I want such a fool for a friend. At least when I'm in trouble, he won't add insult to injury. Even when he's dealing with the enemy, he's straightforward and upright. If there were more fools like Romeo, the world would be better and fresher for it."

The players quieted down, 'friends', backstabbing and infighting was commonplace among them. They suddenly really envied Ivana.

Romeo guides her, helps her, taking care of her in every possible way, and she spared no effort to defend Romeo. The friendship between them was worthy of jealousy.

Perhaps in the eleven people left, only Romeo was a pure person. Although his tongue was sharp, he'd never done anything to cause real harm to the interests of others. He had become more and more silent recently, and seemed unwilling to trust anyone but Ivana.

There was silence in the bus.

Zhou Yun Sheng sprinted at top speed into the villa, his cameraman, John, was left in the dust. He panted and sighed in his heart, "Romeo looks fragile but has the body and stamina of an athlete. To have talent, a good character and a good physique, he really is perfect! My idol is the best!"

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