FOD Chap 12.7

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Chapter 12.7

Lightning spiritual roots were very different from the other elements, there was almost no way to restrain it, it was the most powerful of the spiritual roots. Fang Xinghai had the most useless fog spiritual roots, if Song Yufei wasn't afraid of the consequence, he could eliminate him in a flash.

Fog spiritual roots were really good at concealment, he could turn invisible in his fog, and others had no way to cause him harm, but he could also suddenly emerge to attack unnoticed, this was Fang Xinghai's biggest advantage.

Mo Yu and Zou Yiming had successively fallen to his scheme, but it was Song Yufei's turn, and he refused to fall into the behavior pattern.

"Fang Xinghai, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still seem fond of hiding your head and show your tail. Your character is really despicable and cowardly, this fog spiritual roots is very suitable for you." He raised his hand in a hand-seal and called down the Great Thunderbolt technique.

Purple lightning exploded in the air, conducting through the tiny droplets of water to instantly cover the entirety of the thick fog. For ordinary cultivators, using an AOE attack technique consumed a lot of spiritual power, but for lightning spiritual roots cultivators, their AOE attacks always caused great damage, but they only used a small amount of spiritual power.

This was especially true when water vapor was everywhere. Song Yufei had long ago learned that water was conductive.

"Lightning spiritual roots users are really impressive!" The other disciples stared at the thick fog wrapped up in lightning, and couldn't help but sigh.

Zhou Yun Sheng, hidden in the fog, naturally felt the sense of paralysis caused by lightning coursing through his body, but he could bear 9×9 Heavenly Tribulations, this lightning bolt couldn't harm him. But the lightning was evaporating the water droplets, thinning out his fog.

His nebulous body loomed in the air, he lifted his hand to extract spiritual power to create more fog. His so-called extraction of spiritual power wasn't from his own spiritual power, nor was it extracted from the atmosphere, it was Song Yufei's spiritual power.

This fog was his masterpiece, the most terrible and most indefensible situation – infiltrate the spiritual energy in a cultivator's body, and the spiritual energy would run out after the cycle. Spread, invade, absorb, dissipate, this was the characteristics of fog, and Zhou Yun Sheng had added these features to his cultivation method, making it his greatest power.

Seeing the lightning thinning the fog, Song Yufei smiled, then he used the thunder tactic again. Purple lightning spread everywhere again, issuing a scalp numbing buzzing sound. Wherever Fang Xinghai was hiding in the fog, he should be in a very uncomfortable situation at the moment. Song Yufei just had to wait for him to show his figure before attacking to break his Gold Core.

Grand Elder hadn't said it, but in the end, life and death in the arena was not debatable. Since Fang Xinghai could treat others so cruelly, he could naturally repay him in the same way. If Grand Elder wanted to take revenge on him later, he could always leave Promise Immortal Sect before things got too big.

He had no deep attachments to the sect.

But soon, he felt the difference of reality from his imagination. The spiritual energy in his dantian began to uncontrollably flow through his meridians, escaping into the air through his pores, forming a white fog. The fog that was evaporated by his lightning became thicker again, if he continued attacking, he would only be wasting more of his own spiritual power.

How can this be? Song Yufei was frightened, he quickly used his spiritual awareness to search his dantian and found that a layer of white fog had somehow surrounded his Gold Core. He sent spiritual energy into his Gold Core, but even more spiritual energy poured out, like there was something outside drawing it out.

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