FOD Chap 15.5

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Chapter 15.5

After resolving Zhao Xin Ran's marriage, Zhao Xuan recorded Zhao Bi Xuan's scheme in his heart, but he also grew suspicious. She was buried deep in the palace, why was her reach so long? She even knew about Ji Gou Duchy's dark secret. Even if Qi Yi Ning was pampering her, he would never talk about such a family scandal in front of an imperial concubine, so she must've made some contacts before entering the palace. Zhao Xuan couldn't stand being belittled by the enemy, when Zhao Bi Xuan ignored customs to suppress his family and promote her mother, she had already violated his bottom line.

He ordered a thorough investigation of Zhao Bi Xuan, planning to cut off her sticky fingers. Just knowing that she was that man's most beloved woman, he already couldn't control his hatred. But when the spies sent back news, he was shocked, Zhao Bi Xuan's backer was not Qi Yi Ning, nor was it Old Marquess Wen Yuan, it was actually Qi Jin Yu.

He still remembered the time child Qi Jin Yu snuck out of the palace and had gotten lost in the capital's Lantern Festival carnival, Zhao Bi Xuan had brought Qi Jin Yu to him, asking him to send him back to the palace. To his knowledge, this was the only time the two met. But now, it seemed that they have always been meeting in secret. A man being so protective of a woman, even divulging royal secrets to her so she could have her revenge, their relationship was obviously not just simple friendship. Why did Qi Jin Yu approach Zhao Bi Xuan? Was it simply attraction between man and woman? Or was he using her to get to someone close to her?

Zhao Xuan suddenly wanted to see that person learn of his most beloved woman's true face, what expression would he make?

Zhou Yun Sheng quickly granted the Gong Prince a marriage. In order to guard against any surprises, the Empress Dowager set the wedding date for March next year, but she also frequently called Luo Lan over to the palace to socialize, and didn't forget to call over the Gong Prince, so the future couple could cultivate their feelings. The Gong Prince was extraordinarily handsome and had a noble identity, Luo Lan was naturally very happy, blushing, she strolled with him around the Imperial Garden, her eyes darting between his tall his back and the garden full of autumn chrysanthemum. Zhao Bi Xuan seemed to have self-torture tendencies, specifically choosing to 'accidentally' run into the two people whenever they were alone. Seeing their flirting silhouettes, her eyes would sometimes redden, and she'd rush back to Feng Yi Palace, claiming sudden sickness.

Zhou Yun Sheng had even more reason to believe that this woman was not rational when she actually took the Second Prince away from the Empress Dowager and brought him for a walk through the Imperial Garden, causing the Second Prince to come down with a high fever, falling sick for several days. When the Empress Dowager learned of this matter, she wanted to dig out her still beating heart, but Qi Jin Yu didn't feel regret, he just showered her in more guilty affection.

While Zhou Yun Sheng was adding fuel to their adulterous fire, he stepped up on gaining control over the imperial court. Whether it was him, or the former Qi Yi Ning, they both possessed extraordinary governing talent. Because he'd slacked off for three years, the An Prince and the Gong Prince had managed to grasp some power, but it only took him a month to break down and recover that power, of course, this didn't include the Northwest Army's power.

Zhao Xuan could also play the servant boy, the day after he came back from the border, he willing handed over the Hufu. It made it seem like he had no attachment to power, but the whole Northwest Army were his loyal subjects, they only recognize the man, no this seal. And Zhou Yun Sheng's own imperial edict had given the man prestige, this Hufu was now a useless lump of broken copper and rusted iron. Moreover, the man had beat down every Northwest minister, but he beheaded without killing, like a wolf driving a flock of sheep, slaughtering the plumpest ones while leaving the rest to slowly grow fatter. In this way, he earned military achievements, and because of the border's instability, he gained long-term control over the Northwest regime, he really knew how to calculate. He even privately traded with each ministry, earning a huge profit.

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