FOD Chap 5.7

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Chapter 5.7

Zhou Yun Sheng thought that the Zhu mansion would've been vandalized by the bandits. In the original plot, the bandits hated the Zhu family's immense riches, so they not only stole all of the Zhu family's property, they also started a fire that destroyed most of the house. 

But, as the carriage approached the property, Zhou Yun Sheng discovered that only the gate was slightly damaged, inside was still intact. Even the flowers and plants were still the same as before he left.

A soldier dressed in military uniform came out, seeing the onlookers, he quickly approached and asked, 

"Are you the returning Zhu Zi Yu Gongzi of the Zhu family?"

"I am he." 

Zhu Zi Yu walked over to give a proper greeting with Lu-shi's assistance.

"Zhu Gongzi, your courtyard was commandeered by our General Ding Yuan for a temporary command post. Now that the bandits have retreated, we will return it to you." 

From his military clothing, this soldier's position should be Qian Hu, but his attitude was very humble.

General Ding Yuan was one of Qin Ce's right-hand men, he had a lot of integrity, he certainly wouldn't covet the Zhu family's property. 

Zhou Yun Sheng's tensed heart finally relaxed, he quickly cupped his hands in thanks, and also ordered Tweety to take out a pouch of silver from the bag and hand it over.

The Commander had personally ordered him to guard the mansion, so how could the soldier dare neglect it? Naturally, he also didn't dare to accept the silver. After firmly refusing, he gathered his squadron of soldiers and hurriedly left.

Zhou Yun Sheng sat in the intact living room and let out a contented sigh, he was just about to let Tweety arrange something to eat when a gatekeeper informed him—-The head butler has returned.

"Good timing, tie him up and send him directly to the government office." 

Zhou Yun Sheng gave an insidious smile.

Zhu Lao Si didn't expect the master to suddenly launch an attack against him. He was so unsuspecting that he even kept the account books detailing his embezzlement of the master's property in his personal luggage, which were dug up by the guards.

Zhou Yun Sheng made a big fanfare out of this. He circled several nearby villages while carrying him to the county magistrate's office. In the main hall, he compared Zhu Lao Si's and the Zhu family's account books, and the onlookers came to a sudden realization: Zhu Lao Si not only overcharged rent by several percent without permission, he also mandated the tenant farmers to give him gifts every new year, otherwise he would take away their fields. 

These gifts were all stuffed into his own purse, the Zhu family was never involved with it. Whenever his son, Zhu Fushun, fancied a beautiful girl or Ger, he would unconcernedly kidnap them away, falsely declaring that they would be presented to the landlord for his enjoyment, causing several families to hate Zhu Zi Yu to the bone.

On this point, Zhu Zi Yu was truly wrongly accused, he was a Ger, he could only be pushed down, how could he push down others?

Qing Min County's county magistrate was Qin Ce's subordinate, his character was extremely honest, he immediately accepted the case and ordered the runners to search Zhu Lao Si's home. Sure enough, they rescued the abducted girls and Ger. 

The villagers who were crowding the gate to spectate couldn't help but be in an uproar, cursing Zhu Lao Si's heartlessness while feeling wronged for Zhu Zi Yu.

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