FOD Chap 7.7

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Chapter 7.7

Six Princes was with Qi Gui Jun for less than a month, but his sallow skin had already become a healthy wheat color. Previously, although he was the same age as Five Princes, he was shorter by a head, but now, he'd grown up to his ears. In a month or two, he would catch up or even surpass him.

Li Xudong's temperament also changed. In the past, he always shrunk his neck and hung his head, very cowardly, but now, his eyes shined and he always looked up, back straight. His handsome facial features had opened up, revealing a very dignified and arrogant look.

Li Jin Tian also started to pay attention to the other princes, occasionally, he'd visit the royal study to examine the princes' homework. Because of that, everyone eventually found out that Six Princes' talent was surprisingly comparable to Five Princes'. Regardless of which book Li Jin Tian asked questions from, he could always answer in an eloquent way, and his opinions often made Li Jin Tian and Teacher feel impressed.

"The Emperor, Six Princes is really remarkable." The Teacher praised Li Xudong outside the classroom.

Li Jin Tian smiled and nodded, "Qi Gui Jun has taught him well. He was always good at taking care of children."

Qi Gui Jun has never had a child, what does this sentence mean? The Teacher glanced at the Emperor, surprised.

Li Jin Tian realized that he was thinking of the last life. He waved his hand and gloomily walked away. He was thinking of the last life, when Qi Xiujie had personally educated Twelve Princes into an exceptional ruler. His heart stung at the thought. Twelve Princes could hold up a crumbling empire by himself, his talent would've been no less than Five Princes and Six Princes.

If only he was still alive ... ...

Li Jin Tian wiped his face and covered his bloodshot eyes, full of remorse.

Gao Min eventually learned that Six Princes was outshining Five Princes' in the imperial study and grew angry. Even though he was busy with the army, he took the time to come back and personally taught the afternoon riding and shooting classes.

"Arms straight, thumbs fastened, spread open your legs, you're not stable." He adjusted the position of Six Princes, pointed to the arrow target a 100-meters away and said, "Shoot it."

Six Princes was obviously suppressed by his strict attitude, he'd broken out in cold sweat, his fingers were also slightly trembling. The bow string loosened, and the arrow flew only a few meters away and landed in the mud, it didn't even go near the target.

Someone snickered, and Six Princes' face reddened. He dropped his head, not willing to see Gao Min's expression.

Gao Min sneered then immediately paced away, but a slightly audible "so weak" drilled into Six Princes' eardrum. Although Six Princes should be ashamed, his lips were hooked and his eyes were slightly murderous. You can prance around, but sooner or later, I will use a knife to skin you alive, so you can feel the same pain Jun Father felt when you poisoned him!

When the riding and shooting class was over, Five Princes had regained his self-confidence. When he saw that Six Princes had hung his head, he deliberately ran over to comfort him. He told him that his father was offering extra counseling, so he should come over to the Tian Chen Palace to play. The father played the devil, while the son played the angel, the classic carrot and stick, they were skilled at winning over people.

Six Princes put on a grateful expression and walked with Five Princes to the court gate, then he turned towards the Zi Chen Palace, his expression cold. Although Jun Father had told him not to hide, he knew that if he was too good, he would bring a lot of trouble to Jun Father, and he didn't have the heart to do that. He didn't want to be protected by Jun Father, he wanted to grow stronger as soon as possible and became his pillar. Currently, he was very weak, but sooner or later, he would be stronger than anyone, including the man on the throne. He was not qualified to be his father.

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