FOD Chap 15.13

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Chapter 15.13

"You this slut, what did you do to Jin Yu? Come ah, seize her, quickly seize her!" Worry about her son overwhelming her reason, the Empress Dowager waved her sleeves and shouted crazily.

The courtiers, who were already kneeling down behind the banquet tables, were now hating that they couldn't retract their heads down into their necks, to block their ears. Empress Dowager, this kind of reaction is simply an unprovoked confession ah! Looking at her grief and indignation, that thing truly must belong to the Gong Prince, meaning, the Gong Prince was having an affair with Hui Yi Imperial Consort?! Ahh, don't think about it, the more you think about it the more ludicrous the world will feel!

Zhao Bi Xuan went down to her knees, falling at the Emperor's feet, her body shaking violently. She wanted to explain, but found that her throat was impossibly dry, unable to even spit out a word. In the end, she could only bury her face in her hands to escape the Emperor's cold eyes.

Qian Fangfei already thought of her escape before entering the palace, the worst case being her dying in the palace, what's the big deal? Every person had to die someday, the problem was whether it would be early or late. If she died, at least the Gong Prince, Zhao Bi Xuan, and the Second Prince would accompany her, not too bad. As for her mother and two brothers who were also detained in the capital, thinking of them, she could only sneer. Since the day her mother abandoned her to Qian Tong's whims, her familial expectations and her desire for her family's love completely disappeared. She originally thought that she'd found another path with a good husband, only to find out that that path lead to a dead end.

Because of this, she had nothing to long for, and no apprehensions. Afraid the Emperor, in order to cover up the family scandal, would dismiss the guests and send her to the dungeon for a secret execution, Qian Fangfei spoke quickly, opening up the package of evidence the shadow guards had collected.

"Your Majesty, you may not be aware, but your Hui Yi Imperial Consort and Qi Jin Yu started secretly seeing each other when they were eleven years old. This is a love token Hui Yi Imperial Consort sent to Qi Jin Yu, attached to a love letter." She tossed over a jade ornament and a letter, then immediately followed up, "After Hui Yi Imperial Consort entered the palace, the two didn't break off their relationship. There's a tunnel from the Empress Dowager's palace to the Cold Palace, Qi Jin Yu used this tunnel to privately meet Hui Yi Imperial Consort at night before leaving the palace. The two could make love whenever they pleased, very passionate. But when Hui Yi Imperial Consort carelessly got pregnant, the two people grew anxious, and after several discussions, they actually schemed to have you pay for their sins."

Seeing fury flicker across the Emperor's eyes, Qian Fangfei neurotically smiled and opened, "Yes, it's exactly what you think, the Second Prince is not your son. Because you and Qi Jin Yu are brothers, we're unable to prove it with a blood drop test, but I've brought many correspondences between the two – how much they yearned for each other, how they wanted to embrace each other, how they'll pass the prince off as your son, all kinds of disgraceful things are clearly written. And as for your good Mother Empress, she knew everything from the start! Otherwise, why would she dote on the Second Prince, but never pay any attention to the First Prince? Because the Second Prince is her true grandson ah! Ha ha ha, it's ridiculous, too ridiculous! The common people have a saying for this, the palace gates dazzle like jade and glitter like gold only to hide the dirt and conceal the corruption behind it. The younger brother sleeps with his older brother's wife, and the mother not only helps cover it up, but also plans to have the bastard turtledove drive the magpie away from its nest, seeking to seize Da Qi's throne. It's a ridiculous, morally depraved drama!"

She grinned evilly and tossed the package in her hand, scattering the evidence around on the floor. There were letters, a brocade purse, embroidered handkerchief, and other private trinkets, even scarlet red lingerie and a pair of gauze stockings. There was no need to examine closely to imagine how addicted to each other the Gong Prince and Hui Yi Imperial Consort was.

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