FOD Chap 2.2

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Chapter 2.2

Ning Wang Shu wanted to grab his father’s clothes, but seeing the insidious gaze Wang Ma casted at him, he trembled in fear, then stiffly let Zhao Xin Fang hold him.

“Aaahhh, open your mouth. This is baby’s favorite purple yam congee, very sweet and fragrant.”

Zhao Xin Fang softly crooned, coaxing, her bearing kind, extremely patient. If Zhou Yun Sheng wasn’t long aware of her true nature, he would’ve almost been deceived by her.

Ning Si Nian and Zhao Xin Fang met at an orphanage. She was a volunteer, every weekend she would go help take care of the children. Ning Si Nian witnessed how tenderly, considerately and patiently she treated the children, and this aroused the idea of marrying her. Right now, he was very satisfied with Zhao Xin Fang’s performance, his grim face eased up slightly.

Zhou Yun Sheng picked at his rice, his line of sight only staring at the plate in front of him, he didn’t look elsewhere.

Wang Ma finished the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, laughing while wiping her hands, she said,

“Madam, it’s better if I feed the baby, you’ve had an exhausting day.”

Ning Wang Shu’s face paled, but because he was scared to death of Wang Ma’s beatings, he merely gritted his teeth in silent tears, not daring to resist. Wang Ma pretended to cry out in alarm,

“Aiya, what’s the matter? You were just in a good mood, why are you crying suddenly? Lately, the baby has been refusing to talk, eat, and even go to sleep. He’ll inexplicably start crying, but even when crying, he refuses to make a sound. It’s really distressing. This is a sin, how could a good child become like this…..”

As she spoke, tears started falling, looking more pitiful than Ning Wang Shu.

Ning Wang Shu was already scared into a quail, stiff and shrinking in her arms, he was even too afraid to breathe. After only being here one day, Zhou Yun Sheng could already see Ning Wang Shu’s fear of Wang Ma, but unfortunately, Ning Si Nian was too involved, and was raised up by Wang Ma. He loved her like a mother, so he really didn’t notice the slightest strangeness.

Right now, his rage was provoked by Wang Ma’s few words. His ice-cold, sharp gaze swept Zhou Yun Sheng, but because he needed to attend to the child, he reluctantly restrained himself.

He picked up his son, gently comforting and coaxing, singing the nursery rhyme Wang Ma sung to him as a child. But when Ning Wang Shu heard it, not only did he not calm down, his whole body started convulsing.

Ning Si Nian’s heart burned with worry, he immediately brought his son back to his room and repeatedly called the family doctor. Wang Ma and Zhao Xin Fang urgently followed him.

In the blink of an eye, only Zhou Yun Sheng was left in the dining room. He put down the bowl, unhurriedly wiped his mouth, washed his hands, and returned to his room.

Wei Xi Yan’s room was arranged very simply, the bookcase was full of books related to painting, and the drawers were mostly filled with paints and artboards, all kinds of brands. He was clearly a painting otaku, there was nothing in life but painting.

But the current Zhou Yun Sheng was a hacker, he needed a computer to live. After rummaging through the room for a while, he finally found a laptop in a trunk under the bed. He turned it on and connected to the web.

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