Boys Next Door Ch.4

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Kendall's POV: The music was so loud and I hear so many people. "You know where never gonna get sleep." Hannah says laughing. "ugh I know!" I say in a pissed off voice. Then someone knocks on my door. "This room is taken!" Hannah screams. "Really can I join Kendall." Zayn says laughing. I get up and open the door. "What's up Zayn?"  I ask. "I was kinda bored and too many girls where hitting on me." he says. "Oh we'll where just watching a movie you can join us." Hannah says. Everyone ended fall asleep watching the movie but me I walk outside and sit on my balcony. I am out there for about an hour and it freezing I am watching everyone leave when I hear a voice from be hide me. "Hey beautiful." Zayn says. "Why are you up?" I ask. "I moved and you where gone." he says with a smile. "Oh I couldn't sleep." I say. He walks over too hug me. "Kendall! Your freezing cold get inside." Zayn says freaking out. He put blankets on me and I started too warm up. He laid next too me and I feel asleep on his lap.

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