Boys Next Door Ch.48

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Louis POV: I see Kendall and Harry walk down the stairs they look so happy. "Hey birthday girl!" Zayn says too Kendall. "Hey!" Kendall says. "Where's Perrie?" Harry asked. "Uh by the bar." Zayn says. I walk over and hug Kendall and wish her a happy birthday. Then I see Hannah and Niall walk up. "Hey you two why so late." I ask. "They where getting busy up stairs." Harry says winking at Niall. "Niall James Horan! Getting busy!!" Liam says really loud. Everyone started laughing hard and Niall was turning red. "Okay let's go have fun! It's looks like Maxximus has already started without us!" Kendall says laughing. Everyone is dancing and taken pictures and it's just the most amazing party ever. I see Harry holding Kendall close and slow dancing with her. But then I see Zayn eyeing them so I walk over too him. "What's up with you two?" I ask. "Who me and Perrie?" Zayn asks. "No the only girl you can't stop staring at all night." I say. "Nothing, I told her I just wanted too be friends. But I now know I lost a great thing in my life and it hurts." Zayn says with a few tears come down his face. "I'am sorry mate." I say. Then I see Kendall and Harry walk up too us. "Zayn can I have this dance please as my birthday gift?" Kendall asks Zayn. "Go mate I'll allow it." Harry says pushing Zayn out on the dance floor. "Why'd you let them dance?" I ask. "My heart is with her she won't hurt me I trust her." Harry says with this look on his face but I've never seen this face before. "Kendall is changing you but for the good." I say smiling at him. "She is and I love it." Harry say. "I love it too." I say watching Kendall and Zayn dance.

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