Boys Next Door Ch.20

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Niall's POV: I'am sitting on the couch eating pizza when I see Maxximus walking down the stairs with a crazy look on his face. "Maxximus are you okay?" Liam asks. "Uh yeah." he says as if he was unsure. "You don't seem sure?" Louis says. "I kinda just saw Zayn and Ken kissing." Maxximus say. "What!" Hannah screams. I see Zayn come down stairs while he's looking at his phone. "Zayn did you kiss Kendall?" Harry says with a smile. "Uh I did but I now have too go deal with some business. I'll be back later." Zayn says opening the door. I stood up and said "Zayn if your going too go met up with Perri you need too forget about Kendall." Zayn looks at me then at his phone. "Fine then you go with me too the radio interview too tell Perrie too back off. Cause that's what I was on my way to do." Zayn say. "I will." we all look up too see Kendall staying at the end of the stairs. "Come on everyone let's go!" Louis say screaming and running out the door.

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