Boys Next Door Ch.56

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Kendall's POV: Open your eyes Kendall you can do it! Please Harry is waiting for you. Try open them. I open my eyes and I see 5 heads just hovering over my face. "Love! Your awake!!" I hear Harry scream. "Kendall don't you ever do a brave thing again in your life! Okay! Your not a superhero!" Hannah says screaming at me. "Han clam down she just opened her eyes." Liam says. "Hey babe! How are you feeling?" Louis asks. "I thought I'd never see those beautiful brown eyes again." Zayn says smiling at me and I see Harry giving Zayn the shut the hell up look. "Hey everybody. I'am fine just sore. Really hungry." I say smirking. "Okay Lou and I will go get you food." Liam says walking out the room. "My baby! Is it okay!" I scream. "Love, you lost the baby." Harry says starting too cry. "Please don't cry Harry! I can't cry right now I am hurting too bad. But if you cry I will!" I say with a tear falling down my face. "Harry maybe you should go take a walk outside and get some air." Zayn says. "Okay." Harry says walking out the door. "I have too go call Niall. I'll be right back." Hannah says walking out. "Kendall can we talk?" Zayn asked. "Sure love. What's up?" I ask. "To tell you the truth when you told all of us you where gonna have a baby I about died. Kendall I still love you a lot but I know your with Harry but I thought I'd just tell you how I felt." Zayn says. "Zayn your always gonna have a place in my heart but I got hurt way too much by you and Harry has been good too me. So I don't wanna lose that." I say. "I understand but I won't give up on us." Zayn says smiling at me. Harry walks back in the room with a big smile in his face. "Love your gonna be let out tomorrow. So I think I'am gonna go too your house and get it ready for you." Harry says. "Okay you two I have too go but I'll be back later night." Zayn says walking out. I smiled and waved at him. "Harry would you....never mind." I say. "Will I what?" Harry asked. "Would you move in with me?" I ask. "Are you sure love? I would love too but is this truly what you want?" Harry said. "Yes. I am love." I say with a big smile. Liam and Louis walked in with food. "What's going on you too?" Liam says. "I'am moving in with Kendall!!!" Harry says. "I'am losing my roommate.." Louis says with a sad face. "Aw Lou just be a big boy and ask Eleanor too move in with you."Liam says. "I will when you ask Danielle!" Louis say in a snappy tone.  Niall and Kendall walk in the room with huge smiles on there faces. "What's up with the big smiles." I ask. "Ali's baby isn't Niall's!" Hannah screams. "Okay really what's up with everyone and screaming in my face today I kinda just woke up." I say. "Sorry love." Everyone says at the same time. "Okay well I'am gonna stay with you so everyone needs too leave so she's can rest and Zayn is taken the night shift." Louis says pointing at the door. "Okay love I'll come back tomorrow too pick you up. I love you." Harry says giving me a kiss. I lost my baby but I still have my love and I think that's all I ever wanted and needed.

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