Boys Next Door Ch.67

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Hannah's POV: I wake up to loud knocking at my door. "Coming!" I scream. I open the door and see Kendall staying there with a big smile. "Morning love." Kendall says. "What's up?" I say. "I wanted too see if you wanna go get the boys and head too breakfast? Danielle and Eleanor are gonna met us at Zayn's." Kendall says. "Okay that's sounds like fun. Come in and I'll go get ready." I say shutting the door be hide her. I run up stairs and throw Niall's t-shirt on and a pare of skinny jeans. I run down stairs and grab my bag "Okay ready too go." I say. "Yeah, Danielle just send me this picture of Zayn's house." Kendall says. "Is that Louis?" I ask. "Yeah." Kendall says. "Oh god we better hurry and get over there." I say running out the door. We get too Zayn's house and all I see is a messed up lawn with girls and guys laying in different areas and Louis laying in the middle of the lawn in a little kids swimming pool full of carrots."Louis William Tomlinson! Get up!"Eleanor says while poking him with a carrot. "Oh my if it's this crazy out here I am scared too see what's inside." Danielle says. I walk in first and see Liam asleep on his lap top screen with it still saying live recording. "Oh gosh I am sorry girls that are watching Liam fell asleep. I'll make him do a twitcam tonight and apologize too all of you ladies!" Danielle says logging off. Then Kendall and I walk in the dinning room where we see Zayn laying on the table that's broke in half. "Zayn danced a little too hard I guess." Kendall says laughing. We walk up stairs and we see Harry laying in a bed with 3 girls. "Harry?Harry! Harry Edward Styles!" Kendall screams and he jumps up fast. "Babe! Oh god no. What happen?!" Harry says freaking out. Kendall runs down the stairs and I run after her. On my way down I see Niall with food all over him. "Niall what happen last night?" I ask. "Uhh I just remember me coming here and everyone was already drunk besides Liam." Niall says holding his head. "Well I now have too go see if Kendall is okay." I say walking away when Niall grabs my arm. "Wait what happen?" Niall asks. "Harry was in bed with a few girls." I say. "But I watched him all night I put him in bed and there where a few girls already sleeping there so I kinda pushed a few off for him too sleep." Niall says. "So he didn't sleep with any girls?" I ask. "No cause I was in there all night until I got hungry." Niall says laughing. "Okay then let's go talk too Kendall before anything bad happens." I say running out the door. I get outside and Kendall is in the car crying and Harry is banging on the window but she turned the radio up so loud. "Harry you didn't do anything." I say. "Are you sure!" Harry says. "I'am sure mate. I watched you all night." Niall says. I open the car door and turn the radio off. "Love Niall watched him all night Niall was the one who put him in the bed and he push girls off the bed so Harry could sleep. Harry did nothing." I say too Kendall who was looking at Harry throw the window. "Okay I trust you two so I'll go talk too him." Kendall says getting out of the car. Niall got in and we watched them talk throw the window. "You know Liam was doing a twitcam all night?" I say. "He was! Great!" Niall says. "Oh and how did Zayn break the table?" I ask. "Everyone was dancing on it until Harry and Zayn started dancing too strip and then jumped on it and they fell throw the table and they both got knocked out." Niall says laughing. "Should I even ask about Louis?" I say. "No I wouldn't." Niall says looking out the window. "I guess they made up if there kissing." I say. "Good cause I am starving!" Niall says rolling down the car window. "Hey! I am dying here I need too eat!" Niall screams. "Okay. Babe screaming isn't needed my bloody head hurts." Louis says. Everyone gets in there car and we drive too a diner for breakfast and the boys tell us about there crazy night. But then Kendall gets a call from Maxximus's girlfriend that shocks her and all of us.  

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