Boys Next Door Ch.66

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Niall's POV: I'am standing here helping Hannah unpack and put up her things when I get an idea. "Hannah do you wanna go on a date with me?" I ask. "You make it sound like where not dating." Hannah says laughing. "Okay then I take that as a yes then." I say laughing."Of course Niall I wouldn't dream of anything else in the world!" Hannah says with sarcasm. "Being a smart ass I see! Well now I won't tell you where were going!" I say sticking my tongue at her and walking away. "Niall I was joking please tell me!" Hannah screams. "Sorry babe I can't hear you." I say from the kitchen laughing. The front door bell goes off and then I hear voices.  "Mate I need too ask you something where are you my little leprechaun." Zayn says. "Over here!" I scream. "Oh hey mate! Okay I was thinking about having a guys night out and then us all just crash at my house?" Zayn says. "Okay when?" I say. "Tonight?" Zayn says. "Okay I'll met you guys up there after my date with Hannah." I say walking him to the door. "Okay later mate!" Zayn says walking out the door. Hannah and I are walking out the door too go on a date. "So where are you taken me?" Hannah asks. "You'll see. Oh and the boys are going out tonight so after here I'll head too Zayn's." I say. "Okay that's fine love." Hannah says. "Where here!" I say. "Niall! This is where you first asked me out!" Hannah says with a big smile. "Yes it is! So let's go play that ring toss game so I can get you a cute bear." I say winking at her. "Let's go! Hurry get out get out!" Hannah says pulling me out of the car. We played a few games and I got her a cute teddy bear. "Thanks for taken me here. It feels like we just started dating and everything in my life will change." Hannah says with a smile. "You sure you don't wanna stay with Kendall tonight?" I ask. "I'am sure love." Hannah says getting in the car. I drop off Hannah and head too Zayn's. But I pull up and I see so many cars in front of his flat. I walk in and all I see is girls and then I see Harry drooling over a few. "Zayn what the hell is this why you invited us all here?" I scream at Zayn. "Mate what's wrong?" Liam say walking over. I grab his head and point it in Harry's direction. "Louis! Get him! He's drunk!" Liam says pointing at Harry. "Well mate I is a little drunk too. So you go got him." Louis say sitting on the couch. "Did that sentence even make senses?" I say looking at Liam. "Well lets just watch and make sure nothing happens okay." Liam says. "Okay that's fine." I say grabbing a drink. But after a few drinks I remember nothing. But I wake up too Hannah and Kendall screaming at someone so all I know is where all dead.

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