Boys Next Door Ch.57

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Liam's POV: I'am at the girls house cleaning the kitchen when Harry walks in. "What's wrong mate?" I ask. "Just thinking since we lost the baby do you think I still will be needing this?" Harry says holding a small black box. "Why wouldn't you!" I say a little too loud. "I saw how Zayn looked at her today.. So that means he's gonna try and get her back." Harry says as if he was about too cry. "Okay I'll go too the hospital with Lou and I'll check on Zayn and talk too him. Okay?" I say looking at Harry. "Okay mate!" Harry says going back up stairs. "Louis get off the game we need too go check on Zayn at the hospital." I scream from the kitchen. "Coming!!" Louis screams. We jump in the car and get too the hospital. I stop at Starbucks and get us three a drink. We finally made it too her room. "Louis open the door for me." I say. Louis opens the door and all I see is Zayn kissing Kendall when she is asleep. "ZAYN MALIK!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Zayn jumps back and Kendall wakes up freaked out. "Damn it Zayn she's not bloody sleeping beauty for crying out loud!" Louis screams. "What happen?" Kendall say with a confused look. "Nothing love we just need too talk too Zayn real quick outside the room." I say while shutting the door. We get outside and I give Zayn the death look. "Zayn what the hell where you doing Kendall was asleep!" Louis screams. "I know she was that's why I kissed her!" Zayn screams. "Zayn you need too back off she's Harry's girl! She's your ex you hurt her too many times and now she found a good guy! Back off." I scream. "It was just a kiss Liam!" Zayn screams. I see Harry be hide Zayn with a shocked look. "Zayn you kissed Kendall...." Harry said in a low voice. "Mate she has no idea he did. So don't be mad at her." Louis say too Harry. "She was asleep."I say. "Zayn you need too leave now I'll finish your shift." Harry says walking into Kendall's room. Zayn leaves the hospital in a pissed off mood. I have no idea what has gotten into him lately something's up and I think I need too find out soon.

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