Boys Next Door Ch.74

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Kendall's POV: I walk out of the dressing room when I see Zayn about too walk pass me. "Zayn!" I scream. He stops and walks up too me. "Yes?" Zayn says. "Can you do something for me that's really important too me?" I ask. "Anything love." Zayn says. "Can you walk me down the aisle cause I know that's what Maxximus would want you to do since he can't." I say. I see tears in Zayn's eyes. "Kendall I would love too." Zayn says smiling with tears falling down. "Okay will be going on in 4 minutes so can you wait in here with us?" I ask. "Kendall by the way you look beautiful today." Zayn says smiling. Where in the dressing room waiting when Eleanor walks in "It's time!" She says with a big smile. I'am standing in the back watching Niall and Hannah walk down the aisle then Eleanor and Louis then Liam and Danielle. I look at Zayn and he looks at me. "Are you ready?" Zayn asks. "I am. Thanks for being here cause Maxximus couldn't." I say. Then my music turns on and we start walking down the aisle and I see Harry with the biggest smile in the world. The preacher then asks who is giving her away too Mr.Styles. "I am." Zayn says kissing me on the cheek and sits down in a seat next too an empty seat with a red rose for Maxximus. I just got lost in Harry's eyes and we where at the end of the wedding "Do you take her too be your wife?" The percher asks Harry. "I do." Harry says while putting the ring on my finger. "And do you take him too be your husband?" The preacher asks me. "I do." I say while putting Harry's ring on him. "You are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The percher say. Then Harry and I kiss while everyone is clapping and crying. Where walking down the aisle when I look at him. "I love you Kendall and you look so beautiful today." Harry says with that huge smile where his dimples show which that's my favorite smile. "I love you too Harry and you look so handsome too." I say with a big smile. "Okay we'll lets go wait for them too call us too come in the room." Harry says walking in the dressing room where we would fix our self and I get too change dresses. Today I was a Davis and now I am a Styles and I love it.

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