Boys Next Door Ch.69

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Zayn's POV: I feel someone pushing me too wake up. "Ugh what?" I say. "Zayn wake up. Please." Kendall says crying. I open my eyes and see tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask. "It's Maxximus he's in the hospital." Kendall says chocking on here tears. I try too get up. "Oh god my back. Why is he there?" I say trying too get up. "He..he hhhass cancer." Kendall says crying and trying too talk. "Where is everyone!" I scream holding Kendall close. "In tthe car waiting." Kendall says standing up. "Okay let's go!" I say walking out the door. We all drive too the hospital but the car ride was so quiet no one said a word. We finally make it too Maxximus's room. But he looks so bad he's white as a ghost and he looks so tired. "Maxxy!" Kendall screams and runs too him and started crying hard. "Hey mate." Liam says. I look at this girl in the corner of the room crying. "Who's that?" I whisper in Niall's ear. "Maxx's girlfriend." Niall say. "Why didn't you call me?" I say walking too Maxximus. "Guys I didn't wanna worry you. But they say it's better that your here. Cause I don't know how much longer I'll be here.." Maxximus says in a low tone. Him saying that killed me like someone ripped out my heart. "Really Maxximus you don't need too say that!" Harry says loud. "But it's true! They gave him the news this morning and he's gonna die!" Erika screams at Harry. "I really could careless if your dating him but saying that wasn't needed. If that's the only reason you told us too come here is too tell his little sister he's dying then I really think we need too leave cause I know she can't take anymore bad news." I say looking at Erika. "See Erika I told you not too call them cause drama always starts when there all in a room together." Maxximus says in a pissed off voice. "I want all of you too leave now!" Erika screams. "I have the right too be here! I am his damn sister! Your just another girl he picked up for the week!" Kendall screams pushing Harry's hand off her. "Kendall I want you too leave. This is me saying it." Maxximus says in a deep voice. "Fine don't ever call me again big brother." Kendall says walking out the door while Harry ran after her. "Wow now who's the jerk." Niall says while walking out of the room with Hannah. "You've changed and I don't like it." Liam says walking out with Danielle. "Your a wanker! I hope you know you broke your little sisters heart." Louis says walking out with Eleanor. I look at him then at his girlfriend. "You told me never too break her heart but I don't think I did I think you did. Have a nice life mate." I say walking out the door and I didn't look back.

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